Short selling: also known as short selling, that is, the price falls and investors make money;
Close the position: close the position of the investor, cancel the contract and leave the market;
Closing position: it means opening position today and closing position today. In the previous period, many products traded with Zhengshang Institute and Shanghai International Energy Center were exempt from futures fees (gold, copper, aluminum, cotton yarn, red dates, PTA, sugar and crude oil), while many products traded with Dashang Institute and CICC required extra fees (iron ore, coking coal, coke, joinery board, CSI 300, SSE 50 and CSI 500).
Ping yesterday's position: it means that the position was closed yesterday, which corresponds to Ping today's position.
The content of this article comes from: China Law Publishing House "General Knowledge Series of Legal Life"
Due to concerns about rising prices, 5050