Investors who short US stocks are mainly divided into two categories. Some traders sell short simply for speculation, while others want to hedge or protect the downside risks of their long positions-in other words, if they completely hold the same or related stocks. So when the market stopped falling and stabilized, these traders were the first to go out. So we must pay attention to their operation when we participate.
Short selling is an investment term and a way of operating financial assets. Contrary to bulls, bears borrow the underlying assets first, then sell them to get cash. After a period of time, they spend cash to buy the underlying assets and return them.
Short selling is a common operation mode in stock futures market. It is expected that the stock futures market will have a downward trend. Operators will sell their chips at the market price, and then buy them after the stock futures fall, earning the middle price difference.
Short selling is a common operation mode in stock futures market. It is expected that the stock futures market will have a downward trend. Operators will sell their chips at the market price, and then buy them after the stock futures fall, earning the middle price difference. Shorting is the opposite of doing long. Theoretically, it is to borrow goods to sell first and then buy them back.
Generally, the regular short-selling market has a platform for third-party brokers to borrow goods. Generally speaking, it is similar to a credit transaction. This model can profit in the wave band of falling prices, that is, borrowing goods at a high level and selling them, and then buying and returning them after falling. So buying is still low, selling is still high, but the operating procedures are reversed.
Common functions of shorting include speculation, financing and hedging. Speculation refers to the expectation of future market decline, and then sell high and buy low to obtain the profit difference. Financing means shorting in the bond market and returning it in the future, which can be used as a way to borrow money. Hedging means that when the risk of assets in the hands of a trader is high, he can reduce his risk exposure by shorting risky assets.
Retail investors need to borrow securities from securities companies to short. This operation method is called short selling. When investors borrow securities from a securities company, they need to transfer the guaranteed securities to the account designated by the securities company, and then the securities company will lend the shares. During the period of securities lending, investors need to pay trading commission and securities lending interest, which can be negotiated with brokers.
After investors borrow shares, they sell them through securities lending. When the market outlook falls, they can use cash coupons and buy coupons to return them. Cash return: also called direct return, that is, the integrated securities are directly returned to the brokerage firm; Buy a coupon and return it: If the stock in hand has been sold, you need to buy another identical stock and return it to the broker.
The source of securities lending comes from brokers. If brokers think that stocks will fall, they will not buy back and lend them to investors for securities lending, so this is also the reason why there have been few sources of securities lending.