Tr 1: = SMA (max (high-low, ABS (high -REF (closing, 1)), ABS (low -REF (closing,1)), n,1);
HD:=HIGH-REF (high,1);
LD:=REF(LOW, 1)- low;
DMP:= SMA(IF(HD & gt; 0 and HD & gtLD, HD, 0), n,1);
DMM:= SMA(IF(LD & gt; 0 and LD & gtHD, LD, 0), n,1);
PDI fire: DMP * 100/TR 1, colored;
MDI bombing: DMM * 100/tr 1, blue in color;
ADX:SMA(ABS(MDI explosion -PDI fire) /(MDI explosion +PDI fire) * 100, n, 1), colorff 66ff.
DRAWTEXT(PDI fire >; MDI explosion, PDI fire,'');
DRAWTEXT(MDI bombing >; PDI fire, MDI explosion,'');
This can be used directly on concentricity. If the displayed value is different from that of Qianlong, it is estimated that the data of the two systems are inconsistent. You can download the data of the two systems again and watch it again, or the value of parameter n in the formula is different. Check whether the default value of Qianlong is 7? If not, you can change 7, N:=7 in the first line of this formula to a number like Ganlong.