According to Xiao Wang, the concept of blockchain as a service BaaS was mainly put forward by two giants, Microsoft and IBM. To put it bluntly, it is actually a new type of cloud service that combines blockchain technology. For example, Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform and IBM's Bluemix Garage cloud platform both provide blockchain as a service BaaS.
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) is a space opened by Microsoft and IBM from their own cloud service networks to run blockchain nodes. Compared with ordinary nodes and exchange nodes, BaaS nodes are mainly used to quickly establish their own development environment and provide a series of operational services such as search and query, transaction submission and data analysis based on blockchain. These services can be centralized or decentralized to help developers verify their concepts and models more quickly. BaaS node's services are as follows: creating, deploying, running and monitoring blockchain is more instrumental and easier.