For grasping the market, the first target fluctuation is a high probability event, because the correct choice point is unique. In continuous one-way rolling trading, the system can provide continuous strategies, and can increase and decrease positions for many times. Expand profits.
The main logic line of the market trend is:
The correct minimum choice point of large-scale market is unique. Under this trend, the first goal that is correctly selected is much more than the first goal that is wrongly selected. The correct selection (low) of the second target is more than the wrong selection (low) of the second target.
In large-scale trend trading, the decisive factor is that the correct position direction does not trigger the only condition. There are two strategies for opening positions: a) opening positions near the price support point provided by the system point when the first goal is not reached, and b) opening positions when the first goal is reached and the price support point provided by the system point is reached, which can meet the requirements that the opening cost is still favorable and can provide a new profit-taking point. Go to the opening procedure and expect the trend target of the new position. Based on this idea, we look for new opportunities to increase positions. As a result, with the development of the trend, the positions are constantly enlarged, but the risks are not improved, and the compound interest trading results are realized. Until this market triggered the take profit point and executed the take profit trading action.