In the forward market of cattle scattered, if the supply is insufficient and the demand is relatively strong, then the price increase of the contract in recent months will be greater than that of the forward contract, or the price decrease of the contract in recent months will be less than that of the forward contract. Traders can make bull market spreads by buying the latest monthly contracts and selling the forward monthly contracts at the same time. Last year, the short-selling market of beans was bull-bear market arbitrage, also known as empty arbitrage, which means shorting short-term contracts and short-term contracts at the same time.
1 positive market bear market arbitrage: If the recent supply increases but the demand decreases, resulting in the recent contract price decline greater than the forward price or the recent contract price increase less than the service period, you can sell the recent contract and buy the forward contract at the same time.
The bear market arbitrage in the reverse market is opposite to the bull market spread in the reverse market.