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How to download the historical trading data of stocks to Excel or txt?
Take Huazhong intelligent stock trading software as an example: (Take Think pad X 13 Ruilong laptop and Windows 10 as an example) First, switch to the K-line format of the stock to download data, press "F 1" to enter "Historical trading of a stock on the daily line", and click the right mouse button->; Data export-> Export all data-> Select excel or txt in "Please select export type".

Supplementary information:

How to get all the historical data of the stock;

In order to analyze the stock market, we must first obtain the historical data of all stocks. Only through the historical data of the stock market can we analyze the laws of the stock market.

(Take Think pad X 13 Ruilong laptop and Windows 10 operation as examples)

I. Tools/raw materials

1, EXCEL2007 or above, WPS cannot be used.

2. Computer 1g memory 1 core processor and above.

3. A brain with strong logical analysis ability and a little more wisdom.


Step 1, get the stock code, copy a part of it to the first worksheet A4 to A 127, and then write each code to a different worksheet A2 position through the program, and name the worksheet with the stock code. The process is as follows:

Subsheet Naming ()

For i = 4 to 127

Sheets (1). range(" a2 ")= " ' " & amp; Zhang (1). Scope ("a"&)

Next, I

For i = 4 to Zhang. count

Sheets (1). Name = Sheets(i)。 Range ("a2"). value


End joint

The second step is to obtain the historical data of the stock. The code is as follows:

Private function getsource (surlastring) asstring

Dim oXHTTP as an object

Set oXHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2。 XMLHTTP”)

oXHTTP。 open“GET”,sURL,False

oXHTTP。 send

GetSource = oXHTTP.responsetext

Set oXHTTP = Nothing.

End function

Child historical data ()

Dim objXML as an object

Mark txtContent as a string

Mark I as an integer

Dim strCode as a string

Size assembly as a string

Dim kaishihang

Dim arr,arr 1,arr2,arr3,arr4,arr5,arr6,arr7,arr8,arr9,arr 10,arr 1 1

Continue to the next step when an error occurs.

EndRow = Range("a65536 ")。 End (xlUp). row

startRow = 4

If startRow Range (cell (startRow, 1), cell (EndRow, 1 1)). Value = ""


outlet connection

If ... it will be over.

set obj XML = CreateObject(" Microsoft。 XMLHTTP”)

gp = [A2]

For h = 1 to 4

For m = 1 to 4

kaishihang = [A65535]。 End (xlUp). row

nian = Replace(Str(Year(Now)+ 1-h)," ","")

Du Ji = Replace(Str(4+1-m), "","").

Using objXML

. Open "GET", "/trade/lsjj _"+gp+". html? year = "+nian+" & amp; Season = "+Du Ji+"",false.

. send

If objXML. Then state = 200

txtContent =。 Response text

arr = Split(txtContent," ' & gt")

For i = 1 to UBound(arr)

arr 1 = Split(arr(i)," Cells(i + kaishihang, 1)= Right(Left(arr 1(0), 10), 10)

arr2 = Split(arr 1( 1),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,2) = Mid(arr2(0),InStr(arr2(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr3 = Split(arr 1(2),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,3) = Mid(arr3(0),InStr(arr3(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr4 = Split(arr 1(3),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,4) = Mid(arr4(0),InStr(arr4(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr5 = Split(arr 1(4),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,5) = Mid(arr5(0),InStr(arr5(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr6 = Split(arr 1(5),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,6) = Mid(arr6(0),InStr(arr6(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr7 = Split(arr 1(6),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,7) = Mid(arr7(0),InStr(arr7(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr8 = Split(arr 1(7),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,8) = Mid(arr8(0),InStr(arr8(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr9 = Split(arr 1(8),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang,9) = Mid(arr9(0),InStr(arr9(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr 10 = Split(arr 1(9),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang, 10) = Mid(arr 10(0),InStr(arr 10(0)," >) + 1)

arr 1 1 = Split(arr 1( 10),Chr(60))

Cells(i + kaishihang, 1 1)= Mid(arr 1 1(0),InStr(arr 1 1(0)," >) + 1)

Next, I

If ... it will be over.

End with ...

The next m

The next h

Set objXML = Nothing

End joint

The third step is to obtain the historical data of Shanghai Stock Exchange and all stocks. The process is as follows:

Sub All Stock Historical Data Collection ()

Apply. ScreenUpdating = False

Dim s is a string, gp is a string, year is a string, Du Ji is a string, and s 1 is a string.

Dim arr,arr 1,arr2,arr3,arr4,arr5,arr6,arr7,arr8,arr9

Dim i is as long as H.

Dim kaishihang

Dim LastRow is as long as R.

Continue to the next step when an error occurs.

EndRow = Sheet2。 Scope ("a65536"). End (xlUp). row

startRow = 4

If you start with worksheet 2. Scope (worksheet 2. Cell (startRow, 1), Sheet2. Cell (EndRow, 9)). Value = ""


outlet connection

If ... it will be over.

For h = 1 to 5

For m = 1 to 4

kaishihang = Sheet2。 [A65535]。 End (xlUp). row

nian = Replace(Str(Year(Now)+ 1-h)," ","")

Du Ji = Replace(Str(4+1-m), "","").

s 1 = "/trade/lsjysj _ zhi Shu _ 00000 1 . html? year = "+nian+" & amp; Season = "+Du Ji+"

s = GetSource(s 1)

arr = Split(s," ' & gt")

For i = 1 to UBound(arr)

arr 1 = Split(arr(i)," Sheet2。 Cells(i + kaishihang, 1)= Right(Left(arr 1(0),4),4); -“& amp; Right(Left(arr 1(0),6),2)-“& amp; Right (left (arr 1(0), 10), 2)

arr2 = Split(arr 1( 1),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,2) = Mid(arr2(0),InStr(arr2(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr3 = Split(arr 1(2),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,3) = Mid(arr3(0),InStr(arr3(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr4 = Split(arr 1(3),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,4) = Mid(arr4(0),InStr(arr4(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr5 = Split(arr 1(4),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,5) = Mid(arr5(0),InStr(arr5(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr6 = Split(arr 1(5),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,6) = Mid(arr6(0),InStr(arr6(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr7 = Split(arr 1(6),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,7) = Mid(arr7(0),InStr(arr7(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr8 = Split(arr 1(7),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,8) = Mid(arr8(0),InStr(arr8(0)," & gt) + 1)

arr9 = Split(arr 1(8),Chr(60))

Worksheet 2. Cells(i + kaishihang,9) = Mid(arr9(0),InStr(arr9(0)," & gt) + 1)

Next, I

The next m

The next h

Apply. ScreenUpdating = True

N = worksheet. count

For i = 4 to n

Worksheet (1). Make active

history data


End joint

Step 4, save the workbook and name it 1, then copy 27 workbooks, and write all the stock codes in the first worksheet A3 to A 127 of each workbook. Then name the worksheets in the workbook according to the first step, and write the stock code in the A2 cell of each worksheet.

Step 5, store these workbooks in the database file under the stock folder. Then create a new workbook named "one-click update table" under the stock folder, and write the following code:

Sub All Stock Historical Data Update ()

Mark wb as a workbook

For i = 1 to 27

Set wb = Workbooks. Open (ThisWorkbook. Path and path. "\ Database \"&; I&"".xlsb "")

Apply. Run ""'""& wb. Path and path. ""&I&"".xlsb! All inventory historical data collection ""

wb。 rescue

wb。 close

Next, I

End joint

When this code is started, the program will automatically open the corresponding workbooks one by one, and then obtain the historical data of all the stocks in them and store them in the corresponding worksheets.

Step 6, add a button to the corresponding program, so that when we start the corresponding program, we only need to click the corresponding button. In this way, the method of obtaining all historical data of stocks through multiple workbooks is realized. In the future, we only need to obtain the historical data of the corresponding stocks every day, and we can quickly have the historical data of all stocks on any day.

Matters needing attention

1. We need to analyze these data in the future, which will add a lot of calculations, so when we start all historical data updates, we should turn off automatic updates.

Because of the large historical data, only four years' data are available here. If you want to get more data, you can change the number 5 of "For h = 1 5" in the program.

It takes a long time to obtain historical materials, so it is necessary to make preparations in advance.

4. To know the whole method of establishing stock trading system with EXCEL, please see the following. "I have already boasted and stepped on it. What is your evaluation of this answer? Put the comments away. _ 1 uevpeq { zoom: 1; Background color: # fff border: 0; margin-bottom: 10px; Fill: 30px 0 20px 42px Location: Relative. _ 1 uevpeq . EC- 184 1 { padding:20px 0 }。 _ 1 uevpeq . 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Qrpnxfs {background: URL (// is not duplicated by 50%; Background-size:100%100%; Height:100%; Width: 100%} text. nmkjhaf { height:35px; min-width:0 } body . v 1 ftvns { color:# 000; Font size:16px; Font-weight: inheritance; Line height:1; Margin-bottom: 8px overflow: hidden; Text overflow: ellipsis; Blank: nowrap}body _ 7pt 3pe 5 { color:# 999; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1 } body . c 69 sfzc . m 1 1 ehk 9 img { width: 100% } body . c 69 sfzc ._ 7 enmqsz { margin-right: 15px } body。 _ 5dn6uyv {Border radius: 50%; Maximum width: 40px Minimum width: 40px overflow: hidden} body.v1ftvns {color: # 333; font-size: 14px; Font thickness: 700; Line height: 20pxmargin-bottom:0 text. _ 7pt 3pe 5 { color:# 9 eacb 6; Line height:17px; Margin-top:3px} Taobao's best-selling advertisement 2024-07-04 ranking of stock trading app, shopping on Taobao, rest assured to choose the right goods, shopping is more worry-free. Super brand, super discount, fast life, one stop! Tao! I like it!! Function (t){ "Use strictly"; Function e(t, e){ if(t){ var n = new date (). GetTime (), I = new image; t+="&rand="+(n+Math.random()),window . ecomlogimage | |(window . ecomlogimage = { }),window . ecomlogimage["-IMAGE "+n]= I,e = e | | { }; var r=! 1; I . onload = I . on error = I . on abort = function(o){ if(! e . charge){ if(o & &“load”! = = o.type) {if (r) "error" in e&& e.error (); else{i.src=t,r=! 0; return } } else " load " in e & & e . load()} I . on load = I . on error = I . ona bort = null,window . ecomlogimage["-IMAGE "+n]= null,i=null}, i.src=t}}var n,i=function(){var t,e,n,i=0,r=0,o=0,s=0,a=0,c=0,u=0,l=0,h=/link\? url\=([^\&]+)/,f=/\? url\=([^\.]+)\./,d="data-cklink ",p=/[? &]tn=([^&]*)/; Function v(t){if (! T) return! 1; var e = h . exec(t)| | f . exec(t); Return! ! e&&(h.exec(t)? e[ 1]。 length