Saturated solution of sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide (hereinafter referred to as lye) for standby. Put dodecyl sulfonic acid into a stirrer, stir and slowly add alkali liquor. In this process, the acidity is constantly judged by the test paper. When the neutralization reaction is neutral, stop adding lye and continue stirring for several minutes. The viscous transparent or yellowish sodium dodecyl sulfonate solution obtain above can be taken or diluted as require.
Functional purpose
Nutritional supplements. It has the same physiological function as L- methionine, but its price is low (L- methionine is made of DL- methionine), so DL- methionine is generally used. It is a restrictive amino acid in oat, rye, rice, corn, wheat, peanut powder, soybean, potato, spinach and other plant foods. Adde into that above food to improve amino acid balance. The requirement varies with the intake of cystine. The requirement of adult males is1.1g/d.