Forex-swap is a financial term, which refers to "foreign exchange swap transaction", and sometimes it can be written as a swap alone. Swap transaction, also known as "foreign exchange transaction", refers to the foreign exchange transaction in which buyers and sellers exchange a currency with each other at a predetermined exchange rate for a period of time. Take "RMB and foreign currency swap transaction" as an example, it refers to a transaction in which both parties agree to convert RMB into a certain amount of foreign currency and agree to reverse exchange the same amount of currency at an agreed price in a certain period of time in the future.
Swap refers to "exchange" in daily life, and its synonym is exchange, but swap focuses more on "barter exchange". Give two examples:
I want to exchange my Michael Jackson tapes for your Bruce Springsteen album. I want to exchange Michael Jackson's tapes for your Bruce Springsteen records. )
I wouldn't trade places with him for anything. )