Banker refers to some chips that investors buy one or several stocks individually or jointly in the securities market, and realize a certain difference profit or even excess profit through market operation within the scope permitted by law and according to their own will.
The main force refers to the person or thing that plays a leading role in a task or cause.
2. Different leading forces:
The main force is the leading force that triggers a certain trend of stock price. For example, hot money and super-large households use their own funds and stocks to influence the fluctuation of stock prices through planned transactions, which is the main force.
The banker is definitely the main force, but the main force is not necessarily the banker. By locking the chips in the hands of the fund and using the help of retail investors, the stock price can rise, which is also the main force; The government can change the development of stock price by introducing policies and entering the market with funds.
3. Different impacts:
Some stocks have long-term main forces behind them, and some stocks have short-term main forces behind them, but these main forces cannot be called bookmakers. The dealer can control the price of a stock, but the main force can only affect the stock price trend to a certain extent.
4. Different emphases:
The main force pays more attention to the general trend and pays more attention to taking advantage of the trend; On the other hand, bankers are often indifferent to the outside world. They have made a detailed plan before entering the village, and the rest is to follow the plan.
If investors have learned the following skills before, they can still apply some of them to the current market, because bookmakers and main traders can be said to be the same.