National standards:
GB 10869 technical requirements for regulating valves in power stations.
GB 10877 oxygen cylinder valve
GB 10879 dissolved acetylene cylinder valve
GB 13438 argon cylinder valve
GB 13439 liquid chlorine bottle valve
GB 14 103 performance requirements and test methods of selector valves for halon fire extinguishing systems.
GB 14 104 performance requirements and test methods of one-way valves for halon fire extinguishing systems.
GB 14 105 performance requirements and test methods of valve drivers for halon fire extinguishing systems.
GB 14536.9 special requirements for electric water valves of household and similar electric automatic controllers (including mechanical requirements)
GB 15382 general specification for gas cylinder valves
GB 15383 types and dimensions of gas cylinder valve outlet joints.
GB 1593 1 test method of smoke exhaust fire damper
GB 17447 aerosol valve
GB 17877 liquid ammonia bottle valve
GB 17878 industrial non-repetitive filling and bottling valves
GB 17926 compressed natural gas cylinder valve for vehicles
GB 18299 integrated valve for liquefied petroleum gas cylinders for automobiles.
GB 5 135.6 Automatic sprinkler system Part 6: General valves
GB 75 12 LPG cylinder valve
Performance requirements and test methods of GB 795 halon fire extinguishing system container valve
GB/T 10844 general specification for marine electro-hydraulic servo valves
GB/T 10868 desuperheating and pressure reducing valve for power station
GB/T 1 1254 hot rolled steel plate for compressor valve plate
GB/T 1 169 1 cast steel seawater suction valve (four yuan)
GB/T 1 1692 bronze seawater suction valve (quaternary)
GB/T 1 1696 marine cast steel vertical check valve.
GB/T 1 1698 structural length of marine flanged metal valves.
GB/T 12220 general valve symbols
GB/T 1222 1 structural length of metal valve.
GB/T 12222 connection of multi-rotary valve drive device
GB/T 12223 connection of partial rotary valve drive device
GB/T 12224 general requirements for steel valves.
GB/T 12225 technical requirements for copper alloy castings of general valves
GB/T 12226 technical requirements for gray cast iron castings for general valves
GB/T 12227 technical requirements for ductile iron castings for general valves
GB/T 12228 technical requirements for carbon steel forgings for general valves
GB/T 12229 technical requirements for carbon steel castings of general valves
GB/T 12230 Specification for Stainless Steel Castings for General Valves
GB/T 12232 General valve flange cast iron gate valve
GB/T 12233 general purpose valve cast iron globe valve and lift check valve
Steel gate valves with bolted bonnet for petroleum and natural gas industries.
GB/T 12235 steel globe valves and lift check valves for petroleum, petrochemical and related industries.
GB/T 12236 steel swing check valves for general valves
GB/T 12237 universal valve flanges and butt-welded steel ball valves
GB/T 12238 universal valve flange and clamp connection butterfly valve
GB/T 12239 diaphragm valve for general valve
GB/T 12240 general valve iron plug valve
GB/T 1224 1 general requirements for safety valves.
GB/T 12242 safety valve performance test method
GB/T 12243 spring-loaded safety valve
GB/T 12244 general requirements for pressure reducing valves
GB/T 12245 performance test method of pressure reducing valve
GB/T 12246 pilot relief valve
GB/T 1225 1 test method for steam traps
GB/T 124 1 marine external thread forged steel stop check valve.
GB/T 13852 technical requirements for marine hydraulic control valves
Electro-hydraulic servo valve for jet pipe
GB/T 13927 general valve pressure test
Iron swing check valves for general valves
GB/T 14043 identification code for mounting surface of hydraulic transmission valve and valve hole of cartridge valve.
GB/T 14087 marine gas cylinder safety valve
GB/T 14478 basic technical requirements for inlet valves of large and medium-sized turbines
GB/T 15 185 iron and copper ball valves
GB/T15188.1The structural length of the valve is butt welded.
GB/T 15 188.2 The structural length of the valve is a clamping connection valve.
GB/T 15 188.3 structural length of valve: internally threaded valve.
GB/T 15 188.4 structural length of valve with external thread connection.
GB/T 15623. 1 hydraulic drive electro-hydraulic control valve part 1: test method for four-way reversing valve
GB/T 15623.2 hydraulic transmission and electronic control hydraulic control valve part 2: test method of three-way directional flow control valve
Gb/t 1 7213.1industrial process control valve part1part: control valve terms and general rules.
Gb/t17213.10 industrial process control valve part 2-4: inherent flow characteristics and flow adjustable ratio.
Gb/t17213.11industrial process control valves-part 3-2: the distance between the end faces of size angle stroke control valves (except butterfly valves)
Gb/t17213.12 industrial process control valves-part 3-3: dimensions: end distance of butt-welded bidirectional spherical straight-through control valves.
Gb/t17213.13 industrial process control valves part 6-2: installation details of the positioner connected with the control valve actuator.
Gb/t17213.14 industrial process control valves-part 8-2: noise considerations-measurement of noise generated by hydraulic flow through control valves in the laboratory.
Gb/t17213.15 industrial process control valves-part 8-3: noise considerations-prediction method of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves.
Gb/t17213.16 industrial process control valves-part 8-4: noise considerations-prediction method of noise generated by hydraulic flow through control valves.
GB/T 172 13.2 industrial process control valves part 2-1: calculation formula of fluid flow under flow installation conditions.
GB/T 172 13.3 industrial process control valves part 3- 1: dimensions: the distance between flange end faces of bidirectional spherical direct control valves and the distance between flange center and flange end faces of bidirectional spherical angle control valves.
GB/T 172 13.4 industrial process control valves part 4: inspection and routine test.
GB/T 172 13.5 industrial process control valves part 5: marking
GB/T 172 13.6 industrial process control valves part 6- 1: installation details of the connection between the positioner and the control valve actuator.
GB/T 172 13.7 industrial process control valves part 7: control valve data sheet.
GB/T 172 13.8 industrial process control valves-part 8: noise considerations-section 1: laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves.
GB/T 172 13.9 industrial process control valves part 2-3: flow test procedures.
Installation surface of four-port and five-port hydraulic servo valves
Identification of oil port, bottom plate, control device and electromagnet of hydraulic control valve
GB/T 1848 marine bronze globe valve with internal thread.
GB/T 1849 marine bronze straight-through check valve with internal thread.
GB/T 1850 marine external thread heavy block quick-closing valve
GB/T 185 1 marine external thread bronze air stop valve PN 160
GB/T 1852 marine flange cast steel steam pressure reducing valve
GB/T 1853 marine flange cast steel side check valve
Marine flanged cast iron single row suction stop valve box
Marine flanged cast iron single row suction cut-off check valve box
GB/T 1856 marine flanged cast iron single-row discharge stop valve box
Test method for pressure loss of irrigation valve of agricultural irrigation equipment
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Small hand-operated plastic valves
GB/T 1869 1 agricultural irrigation equipment check valve
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Floating inlet and outlet valves
GB/T 19278 general terms and definitions of thermoplastic pipes, fittings and valves.
GB/T 195 1 marine low-pressure bronze globe valve with external thread.
GB/T 1952 marine external thread low-pressure bronze check valve
Marine low-pressure bronze stop check valve with external thread
GB/T 19638.2 fixed valve-controlled sealed lead-acid battery
GB/T 19639. 1 technical requirements for small valve-controlled sealed lead-acid batteries
GB/T 19639.2 product classification of small valve-controlled sealed lead-acid batteries
GB/T 19672 technical requirements for pipeline valves.
Ships and marine technology-Pressure/vacuum valves for cargo tanks
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Hydraulic irrigation valves
Technical requirements and test methods of quantitative valves for agricultural irrigation equipment
Graphical symbols for diagrams-Part 8: Valves and dampers
GB/T 2008 1. 1 Pneumatic pressure relief valve and filter pressure relief valve Part 1: Main characteristics and product identification requirements to be included in commercial documents.
GB/T 2008 1.2 pneumatic relief valves and filter relief valves-part 2: test methods for evaluating the main characteristics to be included in commercial documents.
GB/T 20 173 pipeline valves of pipeline transportation system in oil and gas industry
GB/T 2029 Cast steel seawater suction valve
GB/T 2030 bronze seawater suction valve
GB/T 20639 artificial pollution test of gap valve arrester
GB/T 209 10 temperature and pressure safety valve for hot water system
GB/T 249 19 general requirements for installation, use and maintenance of industrial valves.
GB/T 2492 1. 1 determination, selection and installation of dimensions of pressure relief valves for petrochemical industry part 1: determination and selection of dimensions.
GB/T 24923 technical requirements for common valve electric devices
GB/T 2499 Marine flanged cast iron double-row globe valve box
GB/T 25 126 large capacity cross electromagnetic four-way reversing valve
GB/T 25 14 installation surface of four-way plate hydraulic reversing valve
GB/T 2877 installation and connection dimensions of two-way plug-in hydraulic valves
GB/T 2877 installation and connection dimensions of hydraulic two-way cover plate cartridge valve
GB/T 3036 marine central butterfly valve
GB/T 3037 marine double eccentric butterfly valve
GB/T 42 13 pneumatic control valve
GB/T 5744 marine quick-closing valve
GB/T 584 marine flanged cast steel globe valve
GB/T 585 marine flanged cast steel stop check valve
GB/T 586 marine flanged cast steel check valve
Marine flanged bronze globe valve
GB/T 588 marine flanged bronze stop check valve
Marine flanged bronze check valve
GB/T 590 marine flanged cast iron globe valve
GB/T 59 1 marine flanged cast iron stop check valve
Marine flanged cast iron check valve
Marine external thread forged steel globe valve
GB/T 595 marine bronze globe valve with external thread
Marine external thread bronze stop check valve
Marine external thread bronze check valve
GB/T 600 general technical requirements for ship pipeline valves
Technical requirements of two-way cartridge valve
GB/T 7940. 1 pneumatic five-way directional valve part 1 part: mounting surface without electric connector.
Pneumatic five-way reversing valve Part 2: Mounting surface of live connector
Pneumatic five-way reversing valve Part 3: Function identification coding system
Hydraulic fluid power-Mounting surface of flow control valve with compensation
Mounting surface of hydraulic superposition valve
GB/T 8 100 plate connects the installation surfaces of sequence valve, unloading valve, throttle valve and check valve of hydraulic control valve (excluding overflow valve).
GB/T 8 100 installation surface of hydraulic transmission pressure reducing valve, sequence valve, unloading valve, throttle valve and one-way valve.
GB/T 8 10 1 installation surface of hydraulic safety valve
GB/T 8 104 test method for flow control valve
GB/T 8 106 test method for directional control valve
Test method for differential pressure flow characteristics of hydraulic valves
Test method of full-flow oil filter for internal combustion engine Part 2: Characteristics of filter element bypass valve
Internal thread connecting valve for water heating
Ministry of Construction standards (some have been replaced or abandoned)
JB? 93 "handle"
JB? 94-inch wrench
JB? 95 "Classification and terminology of general pipeline accessories and valve parts"
JB? 96 Structural length of stop valve, throttle valve and check valve
JB? 1700.2 lock nut (2)
JB? 170 1 "stem nut (6)"
JB? 1702. 1 bearing gland (1)
JB? 1702.2 bearing gland (2)
JB? 106 valve marking and identification paint
JB 1703 casing
JB 308 "Valve Model Compilation Method"
JB 1704 "Dimensions of gland nut stuffing box"
JB 309 "Gate Valve Parameters"
JB 1706 "Outer Nut"
JB 3 1 1 check valve parameters
JB 1707 "Packing Box Dimensions with Perforated Packing Glands"
Parameters of JB 3 12 plug valve
JB 1708 Packing gland
JB 450 PG100 ~ 320kgf/cm2 Forged High Pressure Valves for Chemical and Petroleum Industries
JB1709 T-bolt
JB 45 1 Technical Specification for Lever Safety Valve
JB 17 10 Packing Box Dimensions for Open Packing Glands
JB 452 Technical Specification for Spring Safety Valve
JB 17 1 1 Open Packing Gland
JB 6 10 "trap parameters"
JB 17 12 asbestos filler
JB 790 Technical Specifications for Steel Valves
JB 17 13 Packing Pad (1)
JB 792 Technical Specifications for Cast Iron and Cast Steel Low Pressure Valves
JB 17 16 Packing Pad (2)
JB 930 oxygen pressure reducer
JB 17 17 Upper seal dimensions
JB 168 1 "Stop Valve Parameters"
JB 17 18 gasket (1)
JB 1682 throttle parameters
JB 17 19 Gasket (2)
JB 1683 Ball Valve Parameters
JB 1720 Gasket (3)
JB 1684 Butterfly Valve Parameters
JB 172 1 Gasket (4)
JB 1685 Diaphragm Valve Parameters
JB 1722 "End Dimensions of Lower Threaded Rod"
JB 1689 Thread Diameter and Pitch of Stop Valve and Throttle Valve Stem
JB 1723 "Connecting Slot Dimensions for Connecting Ring Disks"
JB 1690 Gate Valve Stem Thread Diameter and Pitch
JB 1724 "Dimensions of Upper Threaded Rod End"
JB 169 1 "Stem Head Dimensions"
JB 1725 Dimensions of disk connecting slot with disk cover
JB 1692 Umbrella Handwheel
JB 1726 Disc Cover
JB 1693 Umbrella Handwheel
JB 1727 "Split Ring"
JB 1694 "Stem Nut (1)"
JB 1728 "Check Washer"
JB 1695 "Stem Nut (2)"
JB 1729 "Rod End Dimensions of Forged Steel Valves"
JB 1696 "Stem Nut (3)"
JB 1730 "Dimensions of Gate Valve Stem End"
JB 1697 "T-groove Dimensions of Gray Cast Iron Gate"
JB 173 1 Dimensions of T-grooves for disks and slopes
JB 1698 "Stem Nut (V)"
JB 1732 Dimensions of Conical Sealing Surface
JB 1699 "Stem Nut (IV)"
JB 1733 Copper sealing surface dimensions of gray cast iron valve body
JB 1700.5438+0 Lock Nut (1)
JB 1734 "Copper Sealing Surface Dimensions of Gray Cast Iron Gates and Ramps"
JB 1738 Dimensions of Wedge Gate Body, Gate Guide and Guide Groove
JB 1735 "Bottom Disc Sealing Ring"
JB 1739 Wedge Gate Valve Body, Sealing Surface, Spacing and Wedge Angle Dimensions
JB 1736 Disc Sealing Ring of Swing Check Valve
JB 1740 "Dimensions of Sealing Surface of Wedge Gate"
JB 1737 Disc Sealing Plate of Swing Check Valve
JB 174 1 top center
JB 2765 "Valve Terminology"
JB 1742 adjusting pad
JB 2766 "PG160.320 KGF/cm2 Forging Structure Length of High Pressure Valve"
JB 1743 "Ball Valve Stem End Dimensions"
JB 2767 "PG160.320 KGF/cm2 Forging High Pressure Valve Parameters"
JB 1744 "Sphere"
JB 2768 "PG160.320 KGF/cm2 Pipe and Fittings Valve Port Dimensions and Technical Requirements"
JB 1745 "Dimensions of Pressure Sleeve Stuffing Boxes with Threaded Packing"
JB 2769 PG 160.320 KGF/cm2 threaded flange
JB 1747 Packing pressure ring JB 2770 PG 160.320 KGF/cm2 joint stud
JB 1748 "Dimensions of Valve Stem End of Ammonia Valve"
Jb2771pg160.320kgf/cm2 connector
JB 1749 "Ammonia Valve Disc"
JB 2772 "PG160.320kgf/cm2 blind plate"
JB 1750 "Sealing Surface Dimensions of Ammonia Valve Body"
JB 2773 "PG160.320 KGF/cm2 Stud"
JB 175 1 Socket welding connection and pipe end size
JB 2774 "PG160.320 KGF/cm2 stepped end stud and screw hole size"
JB 1752 Dimensions of External Thread Connection End
Jb2775pg160.320kg/cm2 nut
JB 1753 "Joint Pad"
JB 2776 PG 160.320 KGF/cm2 lens pad
JB 1754 "Joint"
JB 2777 PG 160.320 KGF/cm2 non-porous lens pad
JB 1755 "Joint Nut"
JB 2778 "PG 160.320 KGF/cm2 Temperature Marking for Pipe Fittings and Fasteners"
JB 1756 "Dimensions of Connecting End of Clamping Sleeve"
JB 2843 Butterfly Valve Technical Specifications
JB 1757 "Cage"
JB 2884 Technical Specification for Low Temperature Stop Valve and Throttle Valve of Air Separation Plant
JB 1758 "Lock Nut"
Types, basic parameters and connection dimensions of JB 2920 valve electric device
JB 1759 "Bushing"
JB 292 1 Technical Specification for Valve Electric Device
JB 1760 Hexagon Plug
Technical specification for JB 2986 plug valve
JB 176 1 plug pad
JB 3328 Gas cylinder valve and pipeline valve
JB 1762 "Plate Size"
JB 3329 Connection Dimensions of Small Medical Gas Cylinder Cabinet Valves
JB 1842 "Technical Requirements for Cast Iron Rubber Lined and Lined Diaphragm Valves"
JB/T 3595 "Technical Conditions for Valve Manufacturing in Power Station"
Technical conditions of JB 2 12 1 copper alloy castings
Compilation method of JB 40 18 power station valve model
Parameters of JB 2202 spring safety valve
JB 5206. 1 packaging sheath (1)
Structural length of JB 2203 spring safety valve
JB 5206.2 Packaging Sheath (2)
JB 2204 "Pressure Reducing Valve Parameter Series"
JB 5206.3 Packaging Sheath (3)
Structural length of JB 2205 pressure reducing valve
JB 5207 "Packaging Press Plate"
JB 2206 "Technical Conditions of Pressure Reducing Valve"
JB 5208 "spacer ring"
JB 23 1 1 Technical specifications of ball valves
JB 5209 plastic filler
JB 2637 "Technical Conditions for Pressure Ductile Iron Castings for Boilers"
JB 52 10 Upper Seal Seat
JB 2639 "Technical Conditions for Pressure-bearing Gray Cast Iron Castings of Boiler"
JB 52 1 1 gate valve seat
JB 2763 "Performance test method of steam traps"
JB/TQ 374 short tooth trapezoidal thread for forged steel valve
JB/TQ 438 Quality Classification of Angle Valve for LPG Cylinder
JB/TQ 375 Reducing Forged Steel Valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 440 valve steel castings
Product quality classification of JB/TQ 395 steel gate valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 44 1 stop valve
JB/TQ 407 Quality Classification of High Pressure Balance Cut-off Valve
JB/TQ 648 Cast Iron Flat Gate Valve
JB/TQ 408 Diaphragm Valve Quality Classification
JB/TQ 649 Classification of Assembly Quality of Cast Iron Flat Gate Valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 409 ball valve
Product quality classification of JB/TQ 650 pilot pressure reducing valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 4 10 multi-rotary valve electric device
JB/TQ 677 Sampling and grading methods for valve products
JB/TQ 4 1 1 Quality Classification of Mechanical Traps with Closed Floats
JB/TQ 55 1 Quality Classification of Gray Cast Iron for Industrial Valves
JB/TQ 4 12 Quality Classification of Thermal Power Disc Traps
JB/TQ 552 copper plug valve with flange connection for industrial valves.
JB/TQ 4 13 Quality Classification of Condensate Recovery Unit
Quality classification of JB/TQ 730 oxygen cylinder valves
Quality classification of JB/TQ 4 14 pilot piston pressure reducing valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 8 14 steel plate gate valve
Quality classification of JB/TQ 4 15 spring direct loading safety valve
Cleanliness and inspection methods of JB/TQ 8 15 valve products
JB/TQ 4 16 Quality Classification of Soft Seal Butterfly Valve
Quality classification of ductile iron castings for JB/TQ 8 16 valves
JB/TQ 830. 1 Valve Standard System Table
Specification for hydrostatic life test of JB/Z 243 gate valve
HG5- 1587 spring safety valve for liquefied petroleum gas tanker
Specification for hydrostatic life test of JB/Z 244 globe valve
HG5- 1588 LPG emergency cut-off valve
JB/Z 245 Static Pressure Life Test Specification for Plug Valve
JB/T 5300 General Valve Material
Specification for hydrostatic life test of JB/Z 246 ball valve
JB/T 5263 Technical Requirements for Steel Castings of Power Station Valves
JB/Z 247 Code for Life Test of Valve Electric Device
JB/T 6439 Magnetic Particle Inspection of Steel Castings under Valve Pressure
JB/Z 248 Butterfly Valve Static Pressure Life Test Specification
Radiographic inspection of JB/T 6440 valve pressure-bearing steel castings