var 1:=(C+H+O+L)/4;
For sale: xma (var 1, n) * (1+p11000), with green color and line thickness of 2;
Purchase: xma (var 1, m) * (1-p2/ 1000), magenta color, line thickness 2;
Scope: 100* (sell-buy)/buy, NODRAW
MA 1:=MA(VAR 1,3);
Adhere to the line (sell > sell at a low price.
STICKLINE (sell > MIN(C, o) and sell < MAX(C, o), sell, MAX (opening and closing), 3,0), with green color;
Adhere to the line (sell > sell at a low price.
Velcro tape (sales
Velcro tape (sales
Stick to the line (buy > buy low)
STICKLINE (buy > MIN(C, o) and buy < MAX(C, o), buy, MIN (opening and closing), 3,0), magenta in color;
Stick to the line (buy > buy low)
Sticking line (buy > high, open, close, 3, 0), COLORMAGENTA
STICKLINE (buy > high, high, low, 0,0), COLORMAGENTA
DRAWTEXT(CROSS, low * 0.95,' b'), color, line thickness 2;
DRAWTEXT (cross (height), height * 1.02,' s'), the color is green;
Traction line (h, o, l, c);