All three finalists are from the first family, which shows that heaven is also a place where death is suppressed by officials. Aunt Hera is old and strong, and even her brother dares to marry. Naturally, she is more beautiful than her daughters. Zeus, a crafty old scoundrel, was caught in the middle, and the other male gods were even more silent, so we had to make an apology and say that only those who had nothing to do with all parties were the fairest referees. This fiery mountain space was finally thrown to Ida Mountain.
Paris, Prince of Troy, shepherded sheep in Ida.
Paris has been a bad boy since she was a child. Although he is a prince with white teeth and red lips and good looks, he was driven into the mountains by his father and brother to herd sheep because he predicted the demise of Trow. Paris had neither the right nor the money, so she had to marry Senone, an elf in the forest, and the young couple lived freely.
All three beauties win: Hera is dignified and beautiful, full of classical beauty; Sivir Athena is very energetic and explosive, with strong long legs and healthy skin color. Freyja Aphrodite is more popular than Playboy centerfold. If Paris lives in modern times, she certainly knows that she should come to the evening dress and swimsuit preliminaries first, then ask some boring questions like "What will you do for mankind if you are elected as the first beauty in the universe", and finally announce that the three men are tied for the championship. At worst, we will win a few small prizes such as "the most photogenic miss" and "the most bodybuilding miss", advertise slimming cream and perfume, and sign 180 films with him to ensure that all three ladies smile and achieve the so-called "win-win". It's a pity that Paris, a shepherd boy thousands of years ago, was a bumpkin. The "fair referee" recommended by the immortal immediately used power for personal gain and began corruption.
Hera promised him power and wealth and made him the master of the whole Eurasia. Athena offered the most brilliant and invincible military talent; Aphrodite is very straightforward-the first beauty in the world. Like any normal man or pervert, Paris decided to trade golden apples for beautiful women without hesitation.
According to legend, Aphrodite then took Paris to Sparta by boat and became a guest of King Menelaus and Queen Helen. Helen is the first beauty in Aphrodite. Her beauty is so outstanding that almost all the younger generation of Greek heroes fall at her feet. Even when she got married, everyone vowed to fight for her at any time. This includes Perilleux's son Achilles. There's a time difference ―― right after Perrius and Sitis got married, their son was able to pick up girls? Besides, why does Helen claim to be the first beauty in the world? Does Aphrodite have to screen all human beauties?
The most reasonable explanation is to clone a beautiful embryo from Aphrodite himself, and the clone of the first beauty in the sky is of course the first beauty in the world. It will take more than ten years for Helen to grow up when Paris turns from spot to futures. Being teased by God, he became insidious and cunning.
Paris finally sent Helen back to Troy with the help of Aphrodite. The Greeks had to make an expedition across the sea to defend their dignity and vows.