Make up a missed lesson, the official name. That is, "alternate classes." According to different situations, officials were appointed at different levels in the Qing Dynasty, and there were six levels awarded to officials, one of which was a subsidiary level. In one place, officials are vacant, and so on, and alternate officials are awarded their original positions, which is called make-up classes. Officials who belong to the cram school include: candidates for layoffs, candidates for avoidance, candidates for full service, candidates for post-nursing vacancies, candidates for disease rehabilitation, candidates for degraded rehabilitation, candidates for donation, candidates for rescue, candidates for job vacancies that are far from improving, and candidates for job vacancies that need not be filled after taking care of the elderly. These are all different. They are all selected by the Ministry, or still in the original yamen, or supplemented by the original yamen, or shared by six ministries, or supplemented, or not supplemented, or reduced, and so on.