Chinese and English professional audio
Ampere, the unit of current.
ABC 1, automatic bass compensation. 2. Automatic brightness control.
Absolute pitch.
absorption loss
Alternating current
Ac bias
Ac voltage AC voltage
Accept deterioration and promotion
Access method, entrance, passage
Access rights of accessories, accessories, accessories and auxiliary equipment.
Animation accompaniment
Accordion accordion
The proliferation is getting stronger and stronger.
Battery 1, battery 2, battery, memory
Channel a
Acoustics acoustics
Acoustical cushion
Acoustic timbre
sound effects
Acoustic elasticity
acoustic feedback
Mechanical coupling of sound reproduction sound waves from an audio amplification system to the front of the system or a part of the input circuit.
Sound fidelity
Acoustic filter
Sound generator
Sound pressure sound pressure
Acoustic reflectivity
acoustic resonance
Acoustics acoustics
sound system
Sound processing
Sound wave sound wave
Acoustic coupling
Acousto-electric converter
Radiation dielectric electro-optic dielectric
Action power photoelectricity
Action action
Activation activation
Active, active, active.
Actual sound actual sound
A-D analog (circuit)-digital (circuit)
Adapter connector, connector and adapter
Analog - to - digital converter
Adjust, adjust
ADSR This is the four stages of envelope wave control of synthesizer.
ADT automatic track (sound) doubling
A. dubbing audio reproduction and dubbing
A. editing automatic editing
Association of audio engineers
Audio, audio
Afa audio amplifier
A- fading attenuation
automatic frequency control
AFL mixer refers to the state that the monitored sound is behind the attenuator.
the music lingered around the beams
Agc automatic gain control
Abbreviation for A- in audio input.
Select A-INSEL audio input.
air column
Alarm alarm
Automatic height control
Alignment adjustment, calibration and correction
alkaline cell
Allen screw
Ligator terminal clip, crocodile clip
Alpha value
Alternating current
AC erasing head
alternating voltage
Alternating half period
Alto alto
amplitude modulation
Ambient sound
environmental noise
Ambient sound
ambient temperature
Surround sound main body reverberation, ambient stereo
Amp,amp; amplifier
Ampere ampere
Enlarge, enlarge
Amplifier amplifier
Amplitude amplitude
Amplitude distortion
Amplitude modulation
analog simulation
Analog signal
Analog-to-digital converter
Analytical analyzer
Silence is silence, silence.
Anechoic chamber
Anechoic chamber
Angle and phase angle
an angle of reflection
Lag angle
angular frequency
ANL automatic voice restriction
Anode anode
anodic current
anode voltage
ANRS automatic speech suppression system and automatic noise reduction system
ANSI American national standards association
Antenna antinode
Anti-noise microphone
Anti-reverse rotation
Antiresonance parallel resonance
Anti-resonant circuit parallel resonant circuit
Anti-resonance frequency parallel resonance frequency
APRS British professional recording studio association
Acceptable quality level and allowable quality level of AQL
Arpaio arpeggio
Artificial ear
Artificial echo
Artificial voice simulates oral voice.
ASL American Standards Association
Assign, designate
Ambient microphone is a kind of microphone dedicated to collecting ambient sound in the air.
Start time, rise time
Automatic test equipment
Attenuation network
Attenuator attenuator
Audibility audibility audibility audible
The sound that can be heard by normal human ears is generally considered to have a frequency range of 30 to 15000 Hz.
audio frequency amplifier
Audio band audio segment
Audio component
Andhadhun, audio control engineer, sound engineer.
Audio prompt channel video recorder audio prompt channel
Audio equipment audio equipment
Audio audio
Audio choke
Audio noise audio speech
audio oscillator
audio transformer
Audiogram and audiogram
Recording head, pickup head and playback head.
Audio level meter
Audio patch panel audio distribution frame
Audio enthusiasts, enthusiasts, people who pay attention to sound quality.
aural signal
Audio frequency spectrum
audio tape
Audio-visual system
Auditorium audience hall
Automatic bass compensation automatic bass compensation
Automatic frequency control (abbreviated as AFC)
automatic gain control
automatic record changer
Automatic rewind
Automatic shutdown will automatically stop.
Automatic track switching automatic channel switching device
Automatic volume compression
Automatic volume control automatic volume control
Auxiliary socket
auxiliary circuit
Audio-visual (equipment)
Computer controlled audio-visual system
Average average
Average average
AWG American Wire Gauge (indicates the diameter of a wire, and the larger the number, the smaller the diameter).
Axial guide
Azimuth and azimuth of the azimuth axis
Bachelor degree. Base symbol of pressure cell b transistor
Reverse current reverse current background and background
Background music background music background noise background noise.
Backing backing sound insulation board, sound aid board, baffle
Bagpipe bagpipe balance scale
Balalaika triangle balance
Balance control balance control balance
Balanced amplifier balanced circuit
Balanced output balanced output banana jack banana jack and banana socket
Banana plug banana plug, banana plug belt, reading range, frequency band
Band pass filter.
Band selector switch with stopband filter
Band stop filter Band stop filter band switch
Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth Bandwidth
Bank combinations, banks and series bars
Base, socket and base
Bass bass
Bass enhancement
Bass compensation
Bass-iefiex speaker (speaker) bass reflex cavity
Bass emphasis
Abbreviation for BAT battery and storage battery
Battery, battery pack
battery charger
Battery pack
Bassoon tube, bassoon tube, bassoon tube
B channel b channel
beat frequency
Belbe (Er)
Beta beta Greek alphabet. Also known as current transfer ratio
Bel canto (Italy) Bel canto
Bias current
offset frequency
Double-contact bias oscillator
Bidirectional microphone
Binary binary
Binaural, stereo
binaural effect
Binaural recorder
Binaural sound
Bitbit bilingualism
Bang bang
Boost lifting, lifting and amplification.
An edge, an edge
Bottom tone
Brass music
Interrupted, intermittent
Disconnect the jack breakpoint socket
Bridge bridge
Bright and bright
broad band amplifier wide - band amplifier
BS British standard
buffer area
buffer amplifier
internal microphone
Bulk whole, large
Bulk eraser degausser
Bus common ground wire or other connecting wires.
But button (short for button)
Bypass bypass
Bypass filter
C C (symbol) represents the symbol of capacitor, capacitance, coulomb, centigrade, transistor collector, etc.
Cabinet shell
Cable cable
cadmium cell
Calibration 1, the process of comparing an instrument or equipment with standard equipment to determine its accuracy or correct calibration. 2. Electronic equipment
Measure all parts of the equipment to determine whether the performance level of the equipment meets the technical grade index.
Call in
Common name for pop-top headphones
To eliminate, cancel
Cannon plug, XLR plug, balanced audio plug
Capacitance capacitance
capacity coupling
capacitive reactance
Capacitive loudspeaker
Capacitor capacitor
Capacitance filter
condenser microphone
Capacity, capacity, capacitance
Winch spindle
Winch idler
Title subtitle
Capture capture
Card card
Carbon microphone carbon crystal (particle) microphone
Heart diagram
Zhong Le, Zhong Le
Heart microphone
Carrier carrier
Carrier carrier
cassette tape
Castanet castanet
Catalogs and samples of catralog products
Castrich pickup spindle box, magnetic tape box
Reverberation effect of cathedral and church
Cathode cathode
Cathode ray tube
Cable TV shared antenna TV
Charge coupled device
CCIR international radio consultative committee
closed circuit TV
CD, compact disc and compact disc.
CDG graphic CD
CDV video disc
Battery, photoresistor, battery
Celesta Zhong Qin
Cello cello
European electronic technical standards Committee
Center (frequency range)
center frequency
Center lug center shaft head
Central processing unit (CPU)
Ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics
Ceramic microphone
CH channel, channel, channel (abbreviation of channel)
Chain, connection
Indoor music
Film changer
Channel channel path channel channel channel.
Channel balance
channel switch
Channel separation, channel spacing
Characters, symbols
typical characteristic
characteristic curve
Charge, charge.
electric charge density
Charger charger
Charge, charge.
Chassis chassis and frame
Chassis grounding Chassis grounding
Check, check
Chest microphone neck microphone
Chief is the main and primary.
Zhong mingzhong
Chip substrate, integrated circuit block, small device
Chorus and ensemble
choking coil
Chord, chord and harmony
Chord coupling chord coupling
Chord organ and chord electronic organ
Chorus Chorus usually consists of two parts, three parts and four parts.
It's a four-part mixed voice singing method for men and women.
Chorus effect
Colored keyboard
Colored percussion (effect)
Church, church, acoustics of church.
Circuit, circuit, loop
CIS China industrial standard
Acoustic Effects of Clarinet, Clarinet and Clarinet in China Industry Standards
Detergent liquid cleaning solution
Safe, safe
Clip (distortion), clip
Clipping limiter
Clock clock
Clock track clock track
Clockwise clockwise
Closed circuit closed circuit
Closed call microphone close to microphone
CLV constant linear velocity
Constant linear velocity CMP compressor
Counting control
Coating, coating
Coaxial loudspeaker coaxial microphone
cocktail party effect
Code code
Coefficient coefficient
Coercive force The symbol of coercive force is Hco.
Coil coil
Coincidence pair
Color collector
Color color
Coloring Coloring and Dyeing (Effect)
Column sound column
comb filter
Combination combination
Combined microphone
combination loudspeaker
Combined monosyllabic polyphony
Command command
COMM public terminal public
Public public terminals and grounding points
Common base circuit
Common collector transistor (circuit) Common emitter transistor (circuit)
Communication communication
Components, elements and components
COMP composite signal, composite signal, composite signal
Compound compression, compressor compression
Compact cassette of compression expander
Compatibility compatibility
Compensating volume control
Compensation compensation
Compensator compensator
Supplement, supplement, supplement
Polyphonic polyphony
Complex wave
Flexibility, plasticity and adaptability
Parts, assemblies, parts
Composite integration, combination and mixing
Compression compression
Compressor compressor
Computer computer
CON connection
Concentric, coaxial
Sound effects of concerts and concert halls
Concert venue
Concerto concerto
Harmony, harmony
The old name of capacitance capacitor
condenser microphone
Condition, state, situation
Conductance conductance
Conductor, conductor, music conductor
Conduit pipeline
Conical part
Conical diaphragm (speaker)
Conical loudspeaker
Kangjia Kangqie Drum
Connector connector
Floor mixer, mixer, console, floor stand
Uniform resonance, resonance, resonance, harmonious interval
Consonant, consonant
Constant constant
Constant current constant current
Contact person
Miss contact is not in good contact.
Contact microphone
Contact contactor
Opposing prefix
double bass
Constant amplitude wave
Contrast and contrast
Control, regulation, controller, regulator
Control room
To transform, change
Converter, converter, converter
Convex surface
Copyright copyright
COR correction
Correct cord and wire
Iron core and blade shaft
Core loss
Cornopean's old cornet, the plug of organ and the timbre of electronic organ.
Correct correction
Coulomb coulomb
Coulomb law
Counter counter
The timbre of bass
Coupling coupling
coupling transformer
covalent bond
Weeks per second
Cresscemtdo is getting louder and louder (music)
Cross-fading sound overlap and cross-mixing
Cross frequency cross frequency, separation frequency
Cross-network separation network, frequency division network
Cathode ray tube
Crystal crystal
transistor diode
Crystal microphone
piezoelectric pickup
cassette tape recorder
CTRL control
Clue hint
Prompt mark
Quick record of clue review (function)
Current current
Cursor, cursor, pointer
Curve curve
cut-off frequency
cut-off frequency
Clockwise continuous wave
CX CX noise reduction
cycle period
Acoustic effects of cymbals, copper cymbals and cymbals
One tenth of d-deci
Dadada ten times
Digital to analog converter
Digital to analog converter
DACV delay automatic volume control
Baba digital turntable
Damping damping
damping factor
DAT digital recording tape
Data data
Decibel decibel
DBa calibration decibel
The decibel measured by dBA with weight.
DBB dynamic bass
DBK 1 kW Reference dB
Milliwatt decibel
DBu is equal to generating 0.775 volts at any circuit impedance.
A level meter and a decibel meter.
DBv is the decibel of one volt at zero level.
DBw is the decibel value of one watt at zero level.
Noise reduction system
Dc erasure DC magnetic cutting and DC erasure
Dc noise DC noise
DCC digital miniature cassette (machine)
Digital dynamic control
deadly silent
Dead end sound absorption end
A quiet room, a room without reverberation
Dead point
Dead studio short reverberation studio
Deca prefix means ten times.
Decay attenuation
Deci prefix means one tenth.
Cassette record player, turntable, tape record rack and tape cassette structure
Decoding decoding
To aggravate, to aggravate.
Clear definition
Deflection deflection
Degaussing degaussing
Degree, grade, degree
DEL delay
DLY delay circuit
Delay equalizer
delay line
delay relay
Delay time
Delete delete
magnetic eraser
Demonstrations and performances
Dismantling demodulation
Density density
Dephase lag
Depth, depth and thickness
Design design, planning
Detector detector
To stop, detain