(1) When stopping losses, investors should be flexible. For example, in the trend market, the stop loss range can be appropriately relaxed; In the shock consolidation market, the stop loss is small; In addition, stop loss should also consider the main trading situation of individual stocks, which is a personalized issue, and investors should be flexible.
(2) When investors are forced to stop, there must be a major mistake in the original forecast or a big accident in the market. Whatever the reason, investors should stop and think calmly. After the stop loss, the most important thing for investors is to wait and reflect. It is wise to return to zero after each transaction and re-enter the market without subjective positions.
(3) Investors should also understand that the main players do not need to stop loss, because they have too many chips and it is difficult to sell when the market is bad. They either have capital practices to resist the decline of stock prices; Either do band trading and get the difference income; Either add positions to reduce the cost of holding positions and wait for the market trend to improve; Or lower the stock price and ship quickly.
Reminder: Only the main force operating with its own funds can operate through the bear market, and funds invested with other people's money generally will not.
(4) Investors should understand that stop loss is not necessarily wise. It is wise to choose stocks and investment timing. Bull market as long as possible, bear market is best not to operate, and short-term operation with a small amount of funds in the shock market.
Reminder: Margin trading has been launched, and investors can go long or short. However, there are too many restrictions on short selling. For example, there are few short-selling stocks by brokers, and different brokers have different short-selling varieties. In a bear market, investors can short in the stock index futures market.