According to your present situation, you have certain basic conditions, and now you need more funds. You need to sell them to find an employer. It can be inferred that the orientation of quantitative studio is wealth management for LP, and the profit model is customer's fund management fee and profit sharing. The vision is to develop into a sunshine private equity fund to provide high-end financial services for private individuals.
How to start a business?
The target markets of quantitative trading are mainly domestic futures, stocks, options and ETFs. Since there is a mature strategic model, it is the best way to make employers feel that the company has performance. It is a way to find outstanding funds from brokers, futures dealers and banks. If there is no such relationship, then directly participate in domestic competitions. If you can get good grades, employers can easily come to you.
The final development of the quantitative studio is to quantify the private placement of funds, and this piece should be well planned. good luck