Good luck
Pronunciation: English? [ɡ? d l? k]? American? [ɡ? d l? k]?
Interpretation: good luck; Wish you (you) good luck?
2. Front
Pronunciation: English? [? hed]? American? [? hed]?
(adverb) facing forward, in front; Advance; Leading; Advance (for the sake of progress); More (in quantity or value), higher; In the future; Get success; prevailing
(adjective) in front, leading; advanced
Go ahead. Start; Forward; Go first; Do this.
In advance? (science and technology) in advance; Early; Before the scheduled time; advance
Synonym in front:
1, the fourth
Adv. (adverb) forward and outward; because ...
What? Pacing? Come back. Then what? Fourth. ?
He paced back and forth.
Step 2: move forward
Forward (adverb); In order; Towards success; Enter a prominent position; Towards the future; Advance; on the bow
Prospective; (of vehicles) in front; Early; Prompt; Related to the future; Reckless; advance
Verb (abbreviation of verb) (verb) send; Forward; Promotion; transport
(noun) a striker of a sports team; Futures agreement (currency)
Emily. Squeeze her out Chair? Forward. ?
Emily moved the chair forward slowly.