English [? k? r? nsi? p? n]
Beauty [? k? r? nsi? ɑp? n]
Bilingual example
1. First of all, what is a currency option and what are we talking about?
First of all, what exactly are we talking about?
2. Under the currency option, the customer pays a premium to the bank.
If you want to get the option, the customer must pay the deposit to the bank.
3. The second advantage of currency options is that customers know the worst.
The second advantage of options trading is that customers know the worst.
Oh, don't lose patience. The customer pays a premium to the bank.
You must hold your horses! To get the option, the customer must pay a deposit to the bank.
Currency futures are futures contracts that convert one currency into another at the current exchange rate on the last trading day. Generally speaking, one of the two currencies is the US dollar. In this case, the futures price will be expressed in the form of "X dollars against other currencies". The expression of the futures price of some currencies may be different from that of the corresponding spot exchange rate of foreign exchange.