2. Closing positions refers to futures traders buying or selling futures contracts with the same variety, quantity and delivery month, but in the opposite direction, and closing futures transactions;
3 warehouse receipt refers to the standardized delivery certificate issued by the delivery warehouse and recognized by the futures exchange;
4. The commission rate refers to the index used to measure the relative strength of the order within a period of time;
5. Liquidation refers to the liquidation measures taken to prevent excessive losses because the position held in the transaction is contrary to the price trend;
6. Position refers to the number of trading contracts held in the transaction;
7. Basis refers to the difference between the prices of different or the same varieties in different contracts or markets;
8. Counterknock refers to the behavior of exchange members or customers who deliberately collude to trade or buy and sell with each other in a pre-agreed way or price in order to create market illusion, in an attempt or actual way to seriously affect futures prices or market positions.