(1) After the buyers and sellers who hold the contract with the same delivery month reach an agreement and fill in the Agreement Form for Converting Futures into Cash as required, they shall go through the examination and approval procedures for converting futures into cash at the Exchange before 14 of each trading day.
(2) After the approval of the Exchange, the future positions held by the Buyer and the Seller for cash conversion shall be closed by the Exchange after the approval date 15 according to the closing price reached by the Buyer and the Seller. The transaction price reached by the buyer and the seller shall be within the contract price limit on the approval date.
(3) The standard warehouse receipt is used for cash transfer, and the exchange can transfer payment. If the seller fails to deliver the standard warehouse receipt in full or the buyer fails to deliver the payment in full after the positions of the buyer and the seller are closed, the exchange will detain 20% of the liquidated damages of the defaulting party and pay it to the observant party according to the delivery price reached by the buyer and the seller.
(4) When the spot other than the standard warehouse receipt meets the cash transfer conditions, the relevant spot sale agreement and legal goods possession certificate shall be provided.
(5) Cash transfer with goods other than standard warehouse receipts. The delivery of goods and the transfer of payment for goods shall be determined by the buyers and sellers through consultation, and the disputes arising therefrom shall be settled by themselves, and the Exchange shall not be responsible for this.