The position before delivery has always been one of the important indicators of copper 1907 before delivery, because it is the position before the contract expires that determines the delivery volume. Before the delivery date, short contracts and long positions are needed to hedge their positions. Individual investors need to pay attention to the due delivery date information, keep abreast of market changes and decide whether to operate. If you don't want to take the risk of holding positions or don't have enough time to strengthen risk control, you can end the position of copper 1907 contract ahead of schedule by selling or closing positions.
On the basis of knowing when copper 1907 will be delivered, we need to pay attention to the actual situation of the spot market when delivering, because the price benchmark at the time of delivery is the average price of the spot market. On the delivery date, investors who need to deliver the copper 1907 contract will make spot delivery according to the minimum delivery unit stipulated in the contract. Investors with large positions may need to communicate and negotiate with the delivery warehouse on issues such as cast copper pipes, raw materials, packaging and transportation. If the delivery problem affects the actual interests of both parties to the contract, both parties must jointly safeguard their rights and seek the assistance of relevant departments.
Generally speaking, the expiration date of copper 1907 contract is a very crucial day. Investors need to understand the relevant provisions and precautions of futures contracts due for delivery, grasp the market conditions and implement scientific and reasonable trading strategies. Only in this way can we effectively avoid risks and ensure the stability and security of transactions.