At the node of the graph, I want to show the details of the node.
I changed the prompt information on the x axis to time format.
When the mouse hovers, the displayed content will change. The value of pt. ToString () is a long string of decimal values.
Here are all the mouse operation skills.
If you still don't understand, please open the event panel.
One by one. There is a Chinese explanation below.
C# code
Private void graph _Load (object sender, EventArgs e)
My pane. Title . Text = " test
My pane. XAxis . Title.Text = " time
My pane. YAxis . title . text = " temperature ";
My pane. XAxis . major grid . is visible = true;
My pane. Chart.Fill = new fill (color. White, color. Light gray, 45.0 f);
TextObj text = new TextObj(
"Zoom: mouse wheel \ nMove: middle mouse button \ nMenu: right mouse button",
0.05f, 0.95f, coordinate type. Chart score, Allighan. Left, Allighan. Bottom);
Words. font spec . string alignment = string alignment。 Near;
My pane. GraphObjList.Add (text);
zg 1。 IsShowHScrollBar = true
zg 1。 IsShowVScrollBar = true
zg 1。 IsAutoScrollRange = true
zg 1。 IsScrollY2 = true
zg 1。 IsShowPointValues = true// Mouse hover tip
string[] labelsy = { "0 "," 10 "," 20 "," 30 "," 40 " };
My pane. YAxis . scale . text labels = labelsy;
My pane. ya xis . major grid . is visible = true;
My pane. ya xis . minor grid . is visible = true;
My pane. ya xis . major TIC . is between labels = false;
//Manually add the mouse-over node event.
zg 1。 PointValueEvent += new ZedGraphControl. PointValueHandler(MyPointValueHandler);
zg 1。 Graphpane.yaxis.scaleformatevent+= new coordinate axis. ScaleFormatHandler(YScaleFormatEvent);
//Mouse Hover Node Event
Private string MyPointValueHandler (ZedGraph Control sender, GraphPane, CurveItem curve, int iPt)
Point pair pt = curve [ipt];
Return the curve. Label.Text+ "is" +pt.y.tostring ("f1")+"\ ntime is"+pt. x . ToString()+" ";
Private void button 4_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
string sql = "select H_dataTime,s _ 4 from history log ";
Data table dt = SqlDbHelper. Query (sql). Table [0];
DataRowCollection dr = dt。 Ok;
Int count = dt. Number of rows. Count;
for(int I = 0; I < count; i++)
double x =(double)new XDate(DateTime。 Parse(dr[i][0]。 ToString()));
Double y = double. Parse(dr[i][ 1]。 ToString());
List. Add(x,y);
Lineitem mycurve = mypane。 Addcurve ("temperature",
List, color. Red, symbol type. Diamonds);
My pane. XAxis.Type = AxisType。 Date;
My pane. XAxis . scale . font spec . angle = 15;
zg 1。 axis change();
zg 1。 Refresh ();