Qualitative factor analysis in the basic analysis of securities investment refers to the basic factors that determine the value and price of securities investment by securities investment analysts based on the basic principles of economics, finance, financial management and investment. Such as analysis of macroeconomic indicators, economic policy trends, industry development status, product market conditions, company sales and financial status, etc., to evaluate the investment value of securities, judge the reasonable price of securities, and then put forward corresponding investment suggestions for Ruliu Analytical methods.
Fundamental analysis mainly includes three aspects:
1. Economic analysis:
Economic analysis mainly discusses the impact of various economic indicators and economic policies on security prices. influence. Economic indicators include leading indicators (such as interest rate levels, money supply, prices of major production materials, etc.), consistent indicators (such as personal income, corporate wage expenditures, GDP, etc.), and lagging indicators (such as unemployment rate, inventory, etc.). In addition to the main economic indicators, the main economic policies include: monetary policy, fiscal policy, credit policy, tax policy, interest rate and exchange rate policy, industrial policy, income distribution policy, etc.
2. Industry analysis
Industry analysis usually includes two aspects: industry analysis and regional analysis. The former mainly analyzes the different market types to which the industry belongs, the different life cycles in which it is located, and the characteristics of the industry. The impact of performance on security prices; the latter mainly analyzes the impact of regional economic factors on security prices. Industry analysis is a meso-level analysis that intervenes between economic analysis and company analysis. On the one hand, the development of the industry has a huge impact on the listed companies in the industry. In a sense, investing in a listed company actually means It is to invest in a certain industry; on the other hand, listed companies are affected by the regional economy to a certain extent.
3. Company analysis
Company analysis is the focus of basic analysis. No matter what kind of analysis report, it must ultimately be implemented on the trend of a certain company's securities price. Without a comprehensive analysis of the situation of the company issuing securities, it is impossible to correctly predict the price trend of its securities. Company analysis mainly focuses on the following three aspects. 1. Analysis of the company’s financial reports; 2. Analysis of the company’s products and markets; 3. Analysis of the company’s securities investment value and investment risks.