C-connection, also known as class C fund, refers to a fund that invests in a way similar to basic expansion. Class C funds aim to get better returns by converting existing asset portfolios into different types. Usually, experienced senior investors choose different types of stocks, bonds, futures or other trading methods in order to improve the actual rate of return of funds. C Linked funds usually trade in various forms, and in some cases, trading instructions must be issued according to asset allocation.
When investors buy funds, they can choose to invest in A-linked, B-linked or C-linked funds. When investors invest in A-linked funds, they will get the portfolio of fund companies and traders, which usually includes stocks, bonds and other portfolios, while B-linked funds are usually similar to A-linked funds, but the structure is simpler. C-linked fund is a special type of fund, which uses different investment methods to obtain better returns. Therefore, it is regarded as a choice of portfolio by many investors. No matter A-linked, B-linked or C-linked funds, they are all safe investment tools suitable for long-term investment and can help investors achieve their financial goals.