In a narrow sense, agreement deposits refer to deposits opened by commercial banks for some special nature insurance funds in accordance with the regulations of the People's Bank of China or the China Banking Regulatory Commission. The deposits have longer terms, larger minimum deposit amounts, interest rates, and terms. , interest settlement and payment methods, default penalty standards and other RMB deposit types agreed upon by both parties.
The narrow definition of agreement deposits first came from the "Reply Letter Concerning the Approval of Commercial Banks to Pilot Agreement Deposits for Insurance Companies"
(Yinhan [1999] No. 338). The biggest difference from general deposits is that insurance company agreement deposits are only handled by commercial bank legal persons with Chinese-funded insurance company legal persons, and the agreement deposit period is limited to more than 5 years (excluding 5 years) and less than 5 years (including 5 years). Year) deposits are still subject to the statutory deposit interest rate of the same level during the same period, and the minimum deposit amount of the agreed deposit is 30 million yuan. Deposits can be used as long-term funding sources for deposit-taking financial institutions. They are not interbank deposits and should be included in the loan-to-deposit ratio indicator. Agreement deposits can be withdrawn in advance, and their agreement deposit certificates can be used as financing pledges. Interbank deposits refer to deposits in banks by units with financial institution licenses. Including other commercial banks, policy banks, postal services, securities companies, trusts, futures, housing funds, etc. For example, the funds of Yu'e Bao are finally deposited in the bank through the bank's corporate deposits and interbank deposit accounts. In the broad sense, agreement deposits refer to interbank deposits. Both of them are reflected as "agreement deposits" in the contract. That is because both are deposits. It is determined through negotiation between the person and the depository bank.