African giant snails originated in eastern Africa and now spread all over the hot and humid areas of Asia and America. It is one of the most destructive snails in the world and one of the most invasive species in 100, but it has natural enemies, such as toads, frogs, ants and birds, as well as chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry.
In addition to natural enemies, African snails are particularly afraid of salt. As soon as they touch salt, the water in their bodies will be sucked dry, and their bodies will slowly melt into water, and they can also be killed with pesticides.
African snail
The African giant snail belongs to the genus Snail, which can grow to 20 cm at the longest. Its food includes crops, trees, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and other plants. When it is hungry, it can also eat paper and companion corpses, and even chew and digest cement, which can harm more than 500 kinds of crops. African snails are hermaphroditic and cross-fertilized. In theory, any two African giant snails can breed, and it has a strong reproductive ability and can give birth at one time.
African snails are Nocturnal Animals, and they like wet environment. Its living environment is land, inhabiting vegetable fields, farmland, orchards, parks, rubber plantations, dark and humid environments with overgrown weeds, lush trees and lush crops, as well as humus, haystacks, caves, fallen leaves of branches, stones and so on.