Professional profile
The securities practice major mainly studies the knowledge of banking, credit, guarantee, insurance and securities, such as the basic knowledge of financial market, securities investment analysis, insurance foundation and insurance, spot futures trading and so on. Students should be familiar with the investment business of securities, futures, venture capital and other companies, and be able to use financial products and financial instruments for portfolio investment.
Curriculum system
Basic knowledge of finance, securities market laws and regulations, basic knowledge of financial market, internet finance, operation and management of commercial banks, comprehensive counter business of commercial banks, securities investment analysis, insurance foundation and insurance practice, spot futures trading practice, financial management practice, fund trading practice, investment banking and insurance practice.
Employment direction
Financial enterprises: tellers of securities companies, customer service of securities companies, traders of investment companies, spot traders of stocks and futures, financial consultants, insurance customer service, life insurance agents, bank insurance agents, bank tellers, etc.