ETF gold holdings are usually in ounces (oz) or tons (t), and are calculated by day, week or month. One of the largest holdings of ETF gold in the world is SPDRGoldShares(GLD), published by the World Gold Council (WGC). In addition, there are other well-known gold ETFs, such as iSharesGoldTrust(IAU) and Aberdeen Standard Physical Gold Shareset (SGOL).
To inquire about ETF gold holdings, you can visit the official websites of relevant ETF issuers or check the statistics of major global financial data providers. These positions are usually closely related to the trend of gold prices. When positions increase, it may mean that investors' demand for gold increases, thus pushing up the price of gold. On the other hand, when the positions are reduced, it may mean that investors' demand for gold is reduced and the price of gold may be under pressure. However, it should be noted that ETF gold holdings are only one of many factors that affect the price of gold, and investors should comprehensively consider various economic, political and market factors when making decisions.