The amount of foreign exchange purchased from RMB to USD is USD 50,000 per person per year.
There is no handling fee for RMB to USD in the bank, and the exchange rate cost of the bank is directly calculated in the exchange rate. Please exchange according to the bank's timely quotation.
currency conversion
1 AUD =4.6 172 RMB.
1 RMB =0.2 166 Australian dollars.
Exchange rate inquiry channel:
1. Attach the foreign exchange market trend to the futures foreign exchange quotation software;
2. Major financial websites also have foreign exchange quotations;
3. You can also check the exchange rate through the foreign exchange inquiry tool that comes with your mobile phone;
4. Most mobile phone futures market software also has the exchange rate of major currencies;
The exchange rate is constantly changing. Please refer to the current exchange rate of the day you need when using it. The exchange of bank counters and online banking is subject to the real-time quotation at that time.
Reference: /s? ie=utf-8。 f = 8 & ampRSV _ BP = 1 & amp; Rsv _ idx = 2 & Baiduhome. Wd= Australian dollar against RMB&; RSV _ SPT = 1 & amp; RSV _ pq = a88c 4384000 1 1ce 2 & amp; RSV _ t = e 7 19 reqmehylwq 1 1 HMG XXI 14 jipykorfypvrqssmz 8 i3 R4 deutptoz 5 PLA 7 ZD % 2 balaap 0 & amp; Rsv _ enter = 0 & input =1435 & rsv _ sug3 = 30 & ampRSV _ sug 1 = 25 & amp; rsv _ sug2 = 0 & amprsv_sug4= 1435