1. Metal commodities: The plunge in crude oil prices may lead to a decline in metal commodity prices. This is because falling crude oil prices may increase the market's concerns about global economic growth, thus prompting investors to shift their funds to relatively safe investment products, such as metal commodities such as gold and silver, leading to rising metal commodity prices. However, if the reason for the decline in crude oil prices is the slowdown in global economic growth, then the prices of metal commodities may also fall.
2. Agricultural products: The plunge in crude oil prices may lead to an increase in agricultural product prices. This is because falling crude oil prices will lead to falling fuel prices, thus reducing agricultural and transportation costs. This may lead to farmers planting less crops, while the demand for agricultural products is relatively unchanged, so the price rises.
3. Energy commodities: The plunge in crude oil prices may lead to the decline in the prices of energy commodities such as natural gas and coal. This is because the drop in crude oil prices will increase the market's concern about global economic growth, thus reducing the demand for energy commodities and leading to a drop in prices.