Can low-income people manage finances? For low-income people, I believe they would rather improve their income through financial management, but they just lack the means. So, how can people with low income manage their finances better? If you want to manage your finances as a low-income person, you must first set aside enough funds for emergencies. And you also need to make allocations and plans based on your income and consumption. For example, if your monthly income is only 3,000 yuan, you can set aside 2,500 yuan for consumption and savings, and the remaining 500 yuan can be used for financial management.
Everyone also needs to note that low-income people are not suitable to invest in high-risk financial products, so it is recommended to choose low-risk financial products with stable returns. Financial products such as treasury bonds and monetary funds are very suitable for low-income people. There are many currency fund products in Yu'e Bao, as well as wealth management links, which are chosen by many people who are new to financial management.
When your financial income reaches a certain level and you have accumulated some wealth, you can start to make some risky investments, but everyone still needs to make high and low risks according to their own risk tolerance. Reasonable allocation. The other direction is to focus on income and hope to achieve rapid accumulation of capital through financial management. This direction is suitable for people who want to achieve counterattack through financial management. For low-income people, it may be difficult to escape from the low-income group just by saving a little bit of their own income. If they give it a try, there may be some hope.
If you follow this direction, the financial management method you choose must be a low-threshold and high-risk financial management method, such as stocks, futures, partial stock funds, etc.
Since this direction will face greater risks, and it will be more difficult to achieve the goal in the end, it is best to master the corresponding investment capabilities before taking this direction, otherwise it will fail. The probability will be very high.
If you follow this direction, you will definitely encounter a lot of ups and downs, and it will not be smooth sailing. It is normal even if you do not see financial returns for a long time, or even lose all your capital. gold. But only in this direction can low-income people achieve counterattacks through financial management. Finally, the influence of family and people around you will also gradually assimilate everyone. In fact, it is just a matter of what stage people consider what they should consider. The older they are, the more realistic they may be.