Average value H:= (average value *1.007);
Average L:= (average/1.005);
Volume: =SUM(VOL,6)>REF(MA(VOL,30), 1)* 10;
Sideways: = ((HHV (close, Barscount (close))-LLV (close, Barscount (close))/close) <1;
Horizontal rise: = sideways and heavy and (C> average h);
Horizontal decline: = sideways volume and crossing (moving average L, C);
Breakthrough: filter (horizontal increase,100);
I'm afraid it can't be used in communication software. Data is hard, and communication is not all data. Time-sharing stock selection may not be selected.
A single study of time-sharing early warning, it is better to focus on a larger period, choose a good environment, reduce the number of stocks that need early warning, and then time-sharing monitoring.