Horizontal line in projection:
The horizontal line is a parallel line of the projection plane. A straight line parallel to the H plane and inclined to the V and W planes is called a horizontal line. Its projection features are as follows:
1, the horizontal projection of the horizontal line reflects the true length of the straight line, that is, CD = CD.
2. The angle between the horizontal projection cd of the horizontal line and the OX axis reflects the inclination β of the straight line to the V plane, and the angle with the OY axis reflects the inclination γ of the straight line to the W plane;
3. The front projection of the horizontal line is parallel to the OX axis, that is, C' d '∨OX, and the side projection of the horizontal line is parallel to the OYw axis, that is, C' d '∨OYW.
The role of horizontal line in photography
As a composition tool in photography, horizontal lines can enhance the attention of works. Adding a horizontal line to the picture can change the atmosphere of the scene and awaken the feeling of the audience. Horizontal lines can make your image look quiet, and balanced composition can achieve stable and peaceful effects, thus producing fascinating and extraordinary effects.
As a tool in photography, horizontal line is a simple tool to improve the composition effect. When using horizontal lines in composition, you need to consider what kind of feeling you want to convey. It is best to delete these lines to make them less prominent or enhance them to suit the composition effect.
Using horizontal line technique
1, set the target
To make the horizontal line work in the picture, you need to know the target of the photo. Are you looking for a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, or do you want to show something more dramatic and chaotic? It is absolutely necessary to consider this when using horizontal lines, because even a small change in composition will lead to a huge difference in the final image.
Therefore, the secret of using horizontal lines correctly is: before pressing the shutter, please consider the desired photo effect and atmosphere.
2, choose the appropriate focal length
Using different lenses means shooting different picture effects, which may affect the effect of horizontal lines in the picture. As a composition tool in photography, the importance of horizontal lines can be emphasized or reduced by changing the focal length.
When using a super wide-angle lens, all horizontal lines (and vertical lines) will be stretched because of lens deformation unless the horizon is far away. On the other hand, if a telephoto lens is used, the lines will not be distorted and the horizontal line will be enhanced.