1. Fundamental analysis: This is a method to analyze the trend of commodity prices according to the expected output, inventory and expected demand of commodities, that is, the relationship between supply and demand and various factors affecting the relationship between supply and demand. It analyzes the long-term trend of prices, that is, the root cause of price changes, mainly analyzing whether the market is in a bull market or a bear market. Its characteristics are: analyzing the long-term trend of price changes; It studies the root causes of price changes; The main analysis is the macro factors.
2. Technical analysis method: Technical analysis method, also known as chart analysis method, predicts the changing direction of the market price by analyzing the market behavior itself, that is, it mainly draws the past trading state of the futures market, including price change range, trading volume, short position, etc. into graphs or charts in chronological order, and then analyzes or studies the graphs or charts to predict the futures price trend. Its characteristics are: effectiveness, intuition, short time span, limited cycle, and indifference to the overall market fluctuation.