What is the LPG option?
In recent years, the variety of choices has been expanding. In March 2020, the LPG option was officially listed on Dalian Commodity Exchange. What is the LPG option? How do investors trade LPG options? What is the LPG option? Option is the right to buy and sell an asset in the future, while LPG option is the right to buy and sell LPG in the future. The so-called LPG is what we often call liquefied petroleum gas. So how to invest in LPG options? In LPG option trading, investors can pay a certain royalty to get the right to buy and sell LPG standardized products at a certain price, and the price of the option is highly correlated with the price of the subject matter, so investors can benefit from the fluctuation of the royalty. In addition, investors with delivery qualifications can also make profits or avoid risks through delivery. Liquefied petroleum gas option has been officially listed on the exchange. As a standardized product, there are naturally standardized trading rules. The minimum trading unit is 20 tons, the minimum change unit is 0.2 yuan/ton, the price of the subject matter is limited to 4%, and the last trading day is the fifth trading day one month before the delivery month of the subject matter futures contract. It should be noted that LPG options are American options, which means that investors can deliver at any time before maturity after opening their positions.