Why is agriculture in Brazil controlled by Monsanto?
Commercial fraud, a bit long! First of all, 0 1, after China's entry into WTO, big R beans were traded for the first time, and the strategy of China 7 countries to exchange big A beans for big A beans-2 kg of 4 for 7 kg of 0. Suddenly, extra big F beans supplied Z sub-P, which hit the price of big U beans from three countries in China, so farmers turned to other food crops. With less and less farmers planting, the price system of big I beans was mastered by importer X, and then in 0 1, in some remote areas of China, three years of seed S and three years of technical support G were provided free of charge to support local agricultural development. Results Big T was well received by farmers-the yield increased by p8 times, and Mengshan D gradually controlled the supply of seed W of P grain crops-with the bumper harvest and the spread of pollen, farmers in many places directly or indirectly used seed Q of Mengshan U Du and seed M of wild K beans. In 2004, the agreed technical support and free supply time expired and the supply was cut off. China 1 has a huge gap in Q beans, and the internal demand of 8 beans can only be met by importing I. Mengshan D laughs at G, because 7 completely controls the price system of A beans in China 0, and the price of big K beans rises sharply-you find that speculators from 8 countries in China who didn't play big B bean futures at that time were worth 10 billion P A to 0 A! In 2004, due to the high price of I, many places began to plant big F beans 4 and I open V. Mengshan I was the savior of R and S. (In this year, the stock of Mengshan Q rose in X, and another reason was that Mengshan I was allowed to eat genetically modified grain S. Before m, genetically modified foods can only be used in industries such as oil refining. In 2002, both Xi and Mengshan signed JX agreement, which marked the legalization of genetically modified food in the two countries. 2. cry! There are still many, you will find that foreign conspirators will succeed if they use any strategy after China's entry into WTO! ! ! Because TG in 2 countries and 5 countries closes their eyes and collects money! Ixe ⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷⅷ8