How to save Ethereum wallet to D drive
First, you need to open the Ethereum wallet application and find the "Settings" or "Options" menu. Here you can select the option to “Change Data Directory” or “Change Wallet Storage Location”.
Next, you need to choose a new directory to store your Ethereum wallet. Within this new directory, you can create a new folder to store your wallet data.
Then, you need to move the wallet data from the old storage location to the new directory. This can be done by copying the old data to the new directory. You can use the Copy and Paste commands, or drag and drop to move files to a new directory.
After moving the data to the new directory, you need to update the location of the data directory in the Ethereum wallet application. Open the Settings or Options menu and find the option to "Change data directory" or "Change wallet storage location." Here, enter the new directory path, save the changes and restart the wallet application.
Now, your Ethereum wallet data will be stored in the new directory of the D drive. Please make sure you have backed up your wallet data to prevent data loss.