Lecture Notes on International Freight Forwarders English VII
Unit 7 Charter Business
The test score in this section is 4~8, and the questions are single choice, multiple choice and true or false questions.
This section focuses on:
Charter party
Time charter party
Voyage lease
Empty ship
Charter freight contract
Definition of chartering
Charter business is to provide employment opportunities for ships and arrange suitable maritime transportation for various commodities.
Note: Chart: Hire (extended as "chartering" here) Employment: hire, use, utilization, suitability: appropriateness, matching variety: variety, variety, commodity.
Text meaning: Chartering is the business of providing the use of ships and arranging suitable maritime transportation for various goods.
Several types of charter:
Voyage charting Voyage chartering (exam focus)
Voyage chartering refers to a single voyage from one or more Landy ports to one or more unloading ports, in which the shipowner promises to load specific goods on a specific ship.
Note: voyage chartering: voyage charterer: shipowner's commitment: commitment (often followed by to, promise to do, promise to do) carrying: loading, carrying, on-board transportation: on board: specific, specific: special, special goods: goods (car, ship or plane transportation) single voyage: voyage (round-trip chartering) loading port: loading port:
Text meaning: Voyage chartering refers to a one-way voyage in which the shipowner promises to transport the goods loaded on a specific ship from one or more loading ports to one or more unloading ports.
Contents of voyage charter party
Text: The relationship between the parties is governed by voyage charter party.
Voyage charter party governed by and bound by.
Text meaning: The relationship between charterers is bound by voyage charter party.
Contents included in voyage charter party (9 contents)
Names of both parties to the contract
Name and nationality of the ship (note: nationality: nationality, country)
Its packaging or grain capacity The volume of a ship's packaging or bulk. (Note: bale or grain capacity: packed or bulk capacity. )
Description of the goods to be loaded. (Note: Description Description Description)
Provisions on loading port and unloading port.
Loading and unloading time.
Payment of freight.
Terms of demurrage futures (note: demurrage futures)
Provisions on dispatch and other related matters (note: dispatch: dispatch matters: events, problems)
According to the voyage charter party, the shipowner retains the operational control of the ship and is responsible for all operating expenses, such as port fees, fuel fees, taxes, etc.
Note: Reservation: Operation: Operation: Control: Responsibility: Responsibility: Port Fee: Port Fee, Fuel Fee, Tax.
Text meaning: Under the condition of voyage charter, the shipowner controls the ship's freight and bears all operating expenses such as port fees, fuel fees and taxes.
Text: The loading and unloading expenses shall be shared by the shipowner and charterer according to the specific situation.
Note: division: division conforms to: agreement, agreement: agreement.
Text meaning: The shipowner and charterer divide the loading and unloading fees according to the agreement of each ticket.
Text: Voyage chartering contracts have more standard formats. A typical example is gencon format, which is a general charter party designed for trade without specific format.
Note: standard: standard form: form, format Typical value: Gencon form: "Jin Kang" format (full name: "Unified General Charter") is the standard format of voyage charter party, which has a wide range of applications regardless of groceries and routes. ) design: plan, plan, design exists.
Text meaning: voyage charter party has many standard formats. The most representative format is "Jin Kang", which is the most commonly used charter party and can be used in trade without special format.
2. Time chart Time chartering (exam focus)
Time chartering means that the shipowner provides a designed manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer hires the ship for a specific period of time and pays the rent.
Note: Time chartering: Time chartering: designated, assigned and managed: managed (here "managed") chartering: charterer and charterer employment: employment period: term employment: rent and salary.
Text meaning: Time charter refers to that the shipowner provides the charterer with a specific ship carrying crew, and the charterer uses it for a certain period of time and pays the rent.
Rent can be paid one month in advance or at other times. If the rent is not paid in time, the shipowner may pay attention to the charter party.
Note: Payable: prepaid: in advance: in time: immediately: entitled (do)
Text meaning: the rent should be paid one month in advance or other time limit. If the commission is not paid promptly, the shipowner has the right to cancel the lease.
Under the time charter, the crew are employed by the shipowner, who is also responsible for the technical operation and maintenance of the ship and supervising the goods.
Note: crew: all personnel (work) team, which is extended to "crew" here. Navigation: crew's, ship's and navigation (navigation operation) maintenance: maintenance, supervision and management.
Text meaning: Under the condition of time charter, the shipowner employs crew members to be responsible for navigation operation, ship maintenance and cargo supervision.
2-4 Text: The charterer is responsible for the expenses directly related to the use of the vehicle, such as fuel, port charges and loading and unloading charges.
Note: Responsible; Responsible; Direct; Directly connected; Related.
Text meaning: The charterer is responsible for the expenses directly related to the use of the ship, such as the payment of fuel, port charges and loading and unloading fees.
Text 2-5: Liability for goods can be determined in different ways, which can be borne by the shipowner or charterer or shared by them in some way.
Note: responsibility: responsibility, obligation determination: stipulation: difference: difference lies in: reliance, responsibility. ...
Text meaning: There may be different ways to divide the cargo liability (risk), which may be the responsibility of the shipowner or charterer, or both parties may divide it in one way or another.
2-6 Text: When placing an order for a ship, the charterer must keep within the trading scope stipulated in the contract. About the geographical area and the goods to be carried.
Note: the rules for issuing orders to maintain the prescribed navigation area restrictions indicate about geography, geography and.
Text meaning: The charterer should keep the geographical area and goods within the navigation area limits stipulated in the contract after he has given the ticket to the ship.
2-7 Text: There are also some standard formats of time chartering contracts in the time chartering business. There are also several standard formats for time charter parties.
There are two main formats:
NYPE form local specialty format
The full name is "new york Agricultural Products Exchange Time Charter Party", which is the standard format of time charter party designated by agricultural products exchange.
Up to now, the largest number of time charters is determined on the basis of NYPE charter party. Up to now, a large number of time charters are based on the original product format as contract samples.
2. Bohr time forms "Bohr Dam"
The full name of "Porthan Unified Time Charter Party" is the standard format of time charter party designated by Baltic International Shipping Association.
Time charter based on itinerary
3- 1 Text:Trip charging means that a charterer hires a ship on a time charter for one-way or round-trip navigation. Time charter is defined on the basis of itinerary.
Note: voyage charter: voyage
Text meaning: Time charter by voyage means that the charterer rents a ship or makes a round trip on the basis of time charter.
3-2 Text: Trip mapping is similar to voyage mapping, because the intention of each party is to authorize the ship to make one or two voyages.
Note: similar to fact: fact, fact, intention: intention, purpose
Text meaning: Voyage-based time charter is actually similar to voyage charter for the purpose of the parties, renting a ship or a round-trip voyage.
3-3 Text: The roles and responsibilities of the charterer and the shipowner are the same as those in the time charter party.
Note: Role tasks are consistent with ….
In voyage time charter, the roles and responsibilities of charterer and shipowner are the same as those of time charter.
Bareboat lease
Bareboat charter (exam focus)
Bareboat charter refers to placing the ship under the control of the charterer for a long time without any crew.
Note: bareboat map bareboat leasing, general disposal configuration.
Text meaning: Bareboat charter usually refers to the leasing method of providing a ship without crew to the lessee for a long time.
Therefore, the charterer will take over almost all the functions of the shipowner.
. This means that the charterer will bear commercial and technical responsibilities for the ship, and will pay maintenance fees, crew fees and insurance fees.
Note: Therefore, take over the responsibility of accepting (extended to be responsible here) the function, the role of commerce and trade, the technology of trade and the technical responsibility of responsibility.
Text meaning: Therefore, the charterer will bear almost all the responsibilities of the shipowner, that is to say, the charterer should not only bear the responsibilities of traders, but also bear the technical responsibilities of the ship, pay the maintenance costs of the ship, the wages and insurance of the crew and so on.
Text: Bareboat mapping is not as common as other types of mapping.
Bareboat leasing is less used than other leasing methods.
It is sometimes used in financial arrangements for the installment purchase of ships.
Note: After a period of time, it is sometimes associated with, together with financial arrangements, financial arrangements and installment terms.
Text meaning: Bareboat hire purchase is related to financial arrangement, which is actually equivalent to buying a boat by installment.
Bareboat charter is a kind of charter/purchase contract, according to which the owner/seller retains the formal ownership and security right of the ship until the full purchase price is paid.
Note: as a lease/purchase contract, the formal form of ownership is maintained, so it is there.
Text meaning: Bareboat charter can be regarded as a hire purchase contract, and the owner or seller of the ship has formal ownership of the ship before receiving full payment.
Only one standard format of bareboat charter is widely used, and that is the batrecon format designed by bimco.
Note: the "Belcon" format of the BATRECON form in the extended area is the "Belcon" format of BIMCO formulated by the Baltic International Shipping Association.
Fifthly, the freight contract (COA) contract (the focus of the examination)
Orderly complaint contract means that the shipowner promises to meet the charterer's demand for transportation capacity within a certain period of time. A period of time, usually a year or several years. (For the definition of charter party, please refer to)
Note: The transportation contract promises to meet the transportation capacity.
Text meaning: Sub-leasing means that the shipowner provides the charterer with certain transportation capacity within a certain period of time, usually one year or several years, so as to meet his transportation capacity demand.
5-2 Text: The types of goods and the term of the contract are orderly and clear definitions.
Note: Defined definitions specify restrictions.
Text meaning: Generally, the types of contract goods and the duration of the contract are clearly defined.
5-3 The quantity of goods transported can be precise and fixed, and it can also be the annual output.
Note: Precise positioning rules are defined.
Text meaning: clearly specify the quantity of goods to be carried, or refer to the quantity of goods to be carried every year.
5-4 Text: The time of dal vouages in India is generally similar, so the ship network should be fair or even scattered.
Note: The schedule can be timed, and the approximate method of individuals is fairly and evenly distributed.
Text meaning: The schedules of individual routes are usually approximate, so the shipment can be arranged fairly and evenly.
The agreement stipulates the minimum quantity of each shipment, so that the shipowner has the obligation to load and transport the goods.
Note: Minimum Quantity Minimum Quantity Responsibility
Text meaning: Every shipping agreement often fixes a certain minimum transportation volume, in order to make the ship responsible for loading and transporting goods.
5-6 Advantages of Charter Party
1. For shipowners:
During the contract period, obtain employment security for his ship, which is especially valuable if the owner thinks that the freight rate is about to drop.
Especially when the shipowner thinks that the freight rate will drop, chartering can guarantee the shipowner a fixed income during the contract period.
Note: the duration of security assurance is valuable, valuable and assessable, and it is about to fall.
2. For the lessee:
However, if the charterer has entrusted the shipowner or operator to the charterer, they can also gain financial advantages in the case of rising market freight. If the freight rate rises after they entrust the goods to the shipowner or operator according to the contract, it is beneficial for the lessee to adopt a charter party.
Note: In the case of financial affairs, if … is entrusted, it will be entrusted to the operator.
Haha, Merrill Lynch. . There is more information.