Modify your rules and establish the principle of unanimous liquidation. Since it is an intraday transaction, it means that the price will not change much. When the market is relatively dull, it is better to sell high and suck low. The key is to find the possible time period of market fluctuation. At this time, it is better to trade with fluctuation strategy, but stop loss should be set to avoid sudden trend and lead to big losses. It's also good to find opportunities to enter the market to do bands or trends during the day, but the transaction is probably not completed on the same day, so it is not an intraday transaction.
Depending on which way you prefer, you can find the right variety to trade. Because there are many irregular fluctuations and random trends in intraday futures trading, it is difficult to judge accurately. According to my past trading experience, I have summarized eight feasible trading routines, provided that you use the trend and judge some feasible intervention points after you get the right direction. After some struggle, it closed at the daily limit, but then opened. After retracement, it leans towards the disk again, and the volume of transactions continues to enlarge.
At this time, if the sealing plate is unreliable, it can be reversed in a short time to maximize profits. The condition of stop loss is that the price moves in the direction of the board and is resolutely out. The best example is the daily profit of soybean oil from daily limit to daily limit 1000 at the beginning of the year. Almost all investors start their futures trading career in a short-term way, but this is not a real short-term trading, similar to a real short-term trading. Most investors may have had this similar and magical trading state, which he also thinks is short-term trading. However, real short-term trading is like making money in games, while all kinds of short-term trading are like spending money on games. The two are absolutely different.