Knee joint pain caused by strain and bad posture can also be relieved by physical therapy such as hyperthermia, hydrotherapy, ultrasound and acupuncture. Chinese patent medicines with the main function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can also be used to relieve pain.
Knee joint pain caused by sports injury If knee joint pain is caused during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately to avoid aggravating the injury. Within 24 hours after the injury, apply cold compress to the painful part for 30 minutes. Avoid hot compress, massage, massage or medication. After 24 hours, massage was used to relax muscles and tendons, promote blood circulation, warm meridians and dredge collaterals, and topical analgesic voltarin emulsion was used.
Knee joint pain caused by osteoarthritis can be moderately and effectively relieved by physical therapy. Conventional physiotherapy methods include ultrashort wave, microwave, iontophoresis, red light irradiation, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, etc.
Knee joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis can also be relieved by physical therapy such as scalding and hot compress, massage and massage. At the same time, patients with rheumatoid arthritis can be treated by traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and physical therapy, supplemented by dietotherapy, to speed up the rehabilitation process.