First of all, the subjects to be tested in the futures qualification examination are the basic knowledge of futures, futures laws and regulations and futures investment analysis. And we should try our best to take one exam, pass one and build up our confidence. Long-term validity of examination results can improve efficiency and save time. Most of the people who take this exam are on-the-job, so you should arrange your review plan without affecting your work. After making a plan, it needs to be strictly implemented. Generally speaking. In general, you have to finish reading 40 pages of textbooks every day. As long as you can do this in two or three months, you don't have to master the following two skills, and you can basically pass this exam.
2. Teaching materials are fundamental, the key is familiarity, and the core is understanding.
The content of the futures qualification examination comes directly from the teaching materials, and the examination covers a wide range, and the examination questions are all multiple-choice questions; Multiple choice questions; Judge whether it is true or not; Comprehensive calculation problems. So as long as you read the textbook carefully and understand it, you will certainly pass the exam. Specifically, because of the large number of exam questions, you must read through the textbooks and video tutorials. This is fundamental, and reading the textbook through is the basic basis for passing the exam. Moreover, the types of questions are mostly objective questions, so it is good for you to get familiar with the faces when you read through the textbooks. Secondly, try to understand, as long as you understand, there is no need to recite too much. Generally speaking, after reading the textbook three times, it basically passed. The first time I read the textbook, I read it word for word and got a general understanding. Read the textbook for the second time and understand it properly. Just watch it for the third time. If you don't have that much time to read textbooks, you can refer to the third skill.
3, familiar with textbooks, with video tutorials to deepen understanding and memory.
The foundation has been laid, but it is not enough to look at the examination materials of futures qualification certificate. What if many people don't understand? At this time, you need to prepare a video tutorial according to your actual situation. Although some friends prefer self-study, the efficiency of self-study is obviously slower than that of online teachers. And if you have procrastination, I'm afraid it's better to find a method with stronger execution, so it's especially recommended to dredge the overall structure of knowledge points through online video to deepen understanding and memory.
Everyone must pay attention to the above three key skills when preparing for the futures qualification examination, which is the most important thing to improve the score. I hope you can prepare for the exam carefully. More about the skills of preparing for the futures qualification examination, preparing for dry goods, news and information, etc., Bian Xiao will continue to update.