Why is the book value of market value different?
Benchmark market value Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market Bear market A large number of short sellers buy and sell quotes (or quotes) blowout Best-selling blue-chip stocks break through the bull market Bull market Bull market purchasing power Cancel capitalization capital certificate climax (buy/sell) Closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing closing commission commission crowded area shock zone Corning market * and rights, vertical market companies' stock companies have the right to record the date, daily order, daily trading, dealer and decline of stocks periodically. Divided dividends are not taped, market transactions, double bottom, double top and double top dumping, ex-dividend on effective date (X Dis), and ex-dividend is not distributed (XD). Ex-dividend date Expiration date Ex-dividend date Ex-dividend date Ex-dividend right (XRT) Ex-dividend date Face value Transaction Hall On-site order commission Single free ride Free indulgence Speculation Freezing account Fundamental analysis of futures gap Head and Shoulder high-priced transaction record Holder registered shareholder holds market tray Horizontal price change Horizontal hot spot issuance of popular securities Inactive market index Internal institutional institutional institutional investors dive in Hong Kong stock market, and the joint accounts of issued and issued stock issuers clear the market price of liquid listed securities on the last trading day Long-term market value. Value Long Position Long Position Manipulation * Vertical Market Liquidity Market Price Market Value Market Value Matching Order Knocking Order Merging Liquidity New Issue Offer Asking Price (Asking Price) Price Seller Asking Price Bid Date Issue Date Off-site Order Off-site Entrusting On-site Entrusting Show Opening Price Only Opening Price Order Opening Price Entrusting Opening Price Trading Oversold OVA Overvalued P/E ratio P/E ratio book loss/profit book profit and loss pennant picture market position sales portfolio position price range price range primary distribution primary market initial sales secondary market main movement trend Principal (shareholder) Shareholders' principal value principal value profit gain vitality retreat public offering public offering purchase purchasing power rebound see tape recording date registration date reorganization of assets resistance obstruction regional resistance level obstruction line reverse manipulation market is subject to vertical market rising bottom trend circular bottom circular top dome screen (stock) stock selection secondary distribution (issue) Secondary market securities analysis securities analysis securities search for market selling Stag loss selling stock short position short position weak market speculative segmentation and spread spread spread stagflation stagflation depression shareholder stock subscription ratio substitution (swap) support regional support level support line sweetener sweetness market display system