[N, 1.000000,20.000000,5.000000]
TR:=MAX(MAX ((high-low)), ABS(REF (closing, 1)- high), ABS(REF (closing, 1)- low));
R:=MA(TR, 10);
Z:=REF(HHV (high, n),1);
D:=REF(LLV(LOW,N), 1);
Z off & gt=2*R, SPK;;
CLOSE-D & gt; =2*R,BPK;
Ivan model source code:
[N, 1.000000, 100.000000,4.000000]
[Step length, 0.0 10000, 0. 100000, 0.020000]
[MVALUE,0.0 10000, 1.000000,0.200000]
Adhesion line (LOSE & ltWIN, lost, WIN, COLORMAGENTA, 0);
Adhesion line (LOSE & gt win, lose, win, COLORBLUE, 0); "Zheng sugar pilot" model source code:
O:= open;
H:= high;
L:= low;
C:= off;
HH:= IF(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gt reference (h, 5)& ampL & ltREF(L,1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & ltREF(L, 5), H-(H-L)*0.333, h);
LL:= IF(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gt reference (h, 5)& ampL & ltREF(L,1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & ltREF(L, 5), (H-L)*0.333+L, l);
H 1:= value when(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gtREF(H,5),HH);
H2:= value when(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gtREF(H,5),LL);
L 1:= value when(L & lt; REF(L, 1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & ltREF( 1, 5), ll);
L2:= value when(L & lt; REF(L, 1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & ltREF( 1, 5), hh);
BH:= bars last(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gtREF(H,5));
BL:= bars last(L & lt; REF(L, 1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & lt reference (1, 5));
b:= IF(BL & lt; BH & amp& ampC & gtL2 | | BH & lt; BL & amp& ampC & gtREF(H 1, 1)| | C >; REF(HHV(H,5), 1), 1,IF(BH & lt; BL & amp& ampC & ltH2 | | BL & lt; BH & amp& ampC & ltREF(L 1, 1)| | C & lt; REF(LLV(L,5), 1),-3,0));
b 1:= value when(B& lt; & gt0,B);
g:= IF(BL & lt; BH & amp& ampB 1= 1,REF(L 1, 1),IF(BH & lt; BL & amp& ampB 1= 1,REF(H2, 1),IF(BH & lt; BL & amp& ampB 1=-3,REF(H 1, 1),IF(BL & lt; BH & amp& ampB 1=-3,REF(L2, 1),REF(L2, 1)))));
Drawing number (L>0, G 1, G 1, 0, Color Magenta);
w 1:= IF(C & gt; =G, 1,-3);
w 1 = 1 & amp; & date & lt2008050 1, BPK;;
W 1=-3,SPK;
Three-minute dedicated model source code:
A:=MA (high opening, 4);
Close & gt open+a *1.8 & & time & gt=0800, bk;
Close & gt open+a *1.8 || time =1457, BP;
Close & lt open-a *1.8 & & time & gt=0800, sk;
Close & lt open-a *1.8 || time =1457, sp;
Wealth copper model source code:
[N 1, 1.000000,50.000000, 18.000000]
UP:=REF(HHV (high, N 1),1);
DOWN:=REF(LLV (low, N 1),1);
Y:= up and down;
a:= UP * 0.00 1/2;
UP 1:= IF(Y/UP & lt; 0.0045, AUP, up);
down 1:= IF(Y/UP & lt; 0.0045, downward, downward);
Z:=REF(HHV (high, 1),1);
T:=REF(LLV (low, 1),1);
Gao & gtup1& & time & gt 0959 & time & lt 1424. & ampZ & lt& gtt,BK;
down 1 & gt; Low&& time & gt 0959 & & time & lt 1424. & ampZ & lt& gtt,SK;
Gao & gtup1|| time > 1456||Z=T,BP;
down 1 & gt; Low || time & gt 1456||Z=T, sp;
New model source code:
H:= high;
L:= low;
hh 1:= IF(H & lt; REF(H, 2) and amp & ref (h,1) < REF(H,2),REF(H,2),0);
ll 1:= IF(L & gt; References 1, 2&; & ampREF(L, 1)>REF(L,2),REF(L,2),0);
HH2:= value when(hh 1 & gt; 0,hh 1);
LL2:= value when(ll 1 & gt; 0,ll 1);
k 1:= IF(CLOSE & gt; HH2,-3,IF(CLOSE & lt; LL2, 1,0));
k2:= value when(k 1 & lt; & gt0,k 1);
G:=IF(K2= 1,HH2,LL2);
w 1:= K2;
w 1 & gt; 0,SPK;
w 1 & lt; =0,BPK;
"Band Steps" indicator source code: The more people at the top, the better the model will be.
[N,0.000000, 100000.000000,225.0000000]
H:= high;
L:= low;
H 1:= value when(H & gt; =REF(H, 1)& amp; 3)& ampH & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4) & & ampH & gt reference (h, 5)& ampH & gt=REFX(H,1) & & gt refx (h, 2) and amp & gt refx (h, 3) and amp & gt refx (h, 4) and amp & gt refx (h, 5), h);
L 1:= value when(L & lt; =REF(L, 1)amp; & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & lt reference (1, 5)& ampL & lt=REFX(L,1)&; & lt refx (1,2) and amp & lt refx (1,3) and amp & lt refx (1,4) and amp & lt refx (l, 5), l).
H2:= bars last(H & gt; REF(H, 1) and amp & gt ref (h, 2) and amp & gt reference (h, 3) & gt reference (h, 4)&; & ampH & gtREF(H,5));
L2:= bars last(L & lt; REF(L, 1); & ampL & lt References 1, 2 & & ampL & lt References 1, 3 & & ampL & lt reference (1, 4)& ampL & lt reference (1, 5));
OP:= IF(H2 & gt; L2,H 1,l 1);
m:= bar pos;
M4:= IF(k 1 & gt; =0,K 1,M);
P2:=IF(M4- 1=REF(M4, 1),REFX(M4, 1),M4);
P3:=IF(P2- 1=REF(P2, 1),REFX(P2,2),P2,2
P4:=IF(P3- 1=REF(P3, 1),REFX(P3,3),P3,3
P5:=IF(P4- 1=REF(P4, 1),REFX(P4,4),P4,4
P6:=IF(P5- 1=REF(P5, 1),REFX(P5,5),P5);
P7:=IF(P6- 1=REF(P6, 1),REFX(P6,6),P6,6
P8:=IF(P7- 1=REF(P7, 1),REFX(P7,7),P7);
P9:=IF(P8- 1=REF(P8, 1),REFX(P8,8),P8);
p 10:= IF(P9- 1 = REF(p9, 1),REFX(P9,9),P9,9
p 1 1:= IF(p 10- 1 = REF(p 10, 1),REFX(P 10, 10),p 10);
p 12:= IF(p 1 1- 1 = REF(p 1 1, 1),REFX(P 1 1, 1 1),p 1 1);
p 13:= IF(p 12- 1 = REF(p 12, 1),REFX(P 12, 12),p 12);
p 14:= IF(p 13- 1 = REF(p 13, 1),REFX(P 13, 13),p 13);
p 15:= IF(p 14- 1 = REF(p 14, 1),REFX(P 14, 14),p 14);
p 16:= IF(p 15- 1 = REF(p 15, 1),REFX(P 15, 15),p 15);
p 17:= IF(p 16- 1 = REF(p 16, 1),REFX(P 16, 16),p 16);
p 18:= IF(p 17- 1 = REF(p 17, 1),REFX(P 17, 17),p 17);
p 19:= IF(p 18- 1 = REF(p 18, 1),REFX(P 18, 18),p 18);
P20:= IF(p 19- 1 = REF(p 19, 1),REFX(P 19, 19),p 19);
p 2 1:= IF(P20- 1 = REF(P20, 1),REFX(P20,20),P20);
p22:= IF(p 2 1- 1 = REF(p 2 1, 1),REFX(P2 1,2 1),p 2 1);
P23:=IF(P22- 1=REF(P22, 1),REFX(P22,22),P22);
P24:=IF(P23- 1=REF(P23, 1),REFX(P23,23),P23);
P25:=IF(P24- 1=REF(P24, 1),REFX(P24,24),P24);
P26:=IF(P25- 1=REF(P25, 1),REFX(P25,25),P25);
P27:=IF(P26- 1=REF(P26, 1),REFX(P26,26),P26);
P28:=IF(P27- 1=REF(P27, 1),REFX(P27,27),P27);
P29:=IF(P28- 1=REF(P28, 1),REFX(P28,28),P28);
P30:=IF(P29- 1=REF(P29, 1),REFX(P29,29),P29);
p 3 1:= IF(P30- 1 = REF(P30, 1),REFX(P30,30),P30);
p32:= IF(p 3 1- 1 = REF(p 3 1, 1),REFX(P3 1,3 1),p 3 1);
P33:=IF(P32- 1=REF(P32, 1),REFX(P32,32),P32);
P34:=IF(P33- 1=REF(P33, 1),REFX(P33,33),P33);
P35:=IF(P34- 1=REF(P34, 1),REFX(P34,34),P34);
P36:=IF(P35- 1=REF(P35, 1),REFX(P35,35),P35);
P37:=IF(P36- 1=REF(P36, 1),REFX(P36,36),P36);
P38:=IF(P37- 1=REF(P37, 1),REFX(P37,37),P37);
P39:=IF(P38- 1=REF(P38, 1),REFX(P38,38),P38);
P40:=IF(P39- 1=REF(P39, 1),REFX(P39,39),P39);
p 4 1:= IF(P40- 1 = REF(P40, 1),REFX(P40,40),P40);
p42:= IF(p 4 1- 1 = REF(p 4 1, 1),REFX(P4 1,4 1),p 4 1);
P43:=IF(P42- 1=REF(P42, 1),REFX(P42,42),P42);
P44:=IF(P43- 1=REF(P43, 1),REFX(P43,43),P43);
P45:=IF(P44- 1=REF(P44, 1),REFX(P44,44),P44);
P46:=IF(P45- 1=REF(P45, 1),REFX(P45,45),P45);
P47:=IF(P46- 1=REF(P46, 1),REFX(P46,46),P46);
P48:=IF(P47- 1=REF(P47, 1),REFX(P47,47),P47);
P49:=IF(P48- 1=REF(P48, 1),REFX(P48,48),P48);
P50:=IF(P49- 1=REF(P49, 1),REFX(P49,49),P49);
p 5 1:= IF(P50- 1 = REF(P50, 1),REFX(P50,50),P50);
p52:= IF(p 5 1- 1 = REF(p 5 1, 1),REFX(P5 1,5 1),p 5 1);
P53:=IF(P52- 1=REF(P52, 1),REFX(P52,52),P52);
P54:=IF(P53- 1=REF(P53, 1),REFX(P53,53),P53);
P55:=IF(P54- 1=REF(P54, 1),REFX(P54,54),P54);
P56:=IF(P55- 1=REF(P55, 1),REFX(P55,55),P55);
P57:=IF(P56- 1=REF(P56, 1),REFX(P56,56),P56);
P58:=IF(P57- 1=REF(P57, 1),REFX(P57,57),P57);
P59:=IF(P58- 1=REF(P58, 1),REFX(P58,58),P58);
P60:=IF(P59- 1=REF(P59, 1),REFX(P59,59),P59);
p 6 1:= IF(P60- 1 = REF(P60, 1),REFX(P60,60),P60);
o:= IF(p 6 1 & lt; & gtREF(P6 1, 1),REFX(P6 1,200),p 6 1);
F:=MOD(O* 10,N)/ 10;
P 1:=MOD(CLOSE* 10,N)/ 10;
c:= CLOSE-p 1+F;
b:=(C * 10+N)/ 10;
a:=(C * 10-N)/ 10;
Drawing number (G>0, g, g, 0, color yellow);
Drawing number (S>0, s, s, 0, color yellow);
Drawing number (R>0, R, R, 0, Color Yellow);
draw number(O & gt; 0,E,E,0,color white);
DRAWSL(O & gt; 0,C,0, 1,3,color yellow);
O>0, o, color white;
Profit model source code:
H:= high;
L:= low;
hh 1:= IF(H & lt; REF(H, 2) and amp & ref (h,1) < REF(H,2),REF(H,2),0);
ll 1:= IF(L & gt; References 1, 2&; & ampREF(L, 1)>REF(L,2),REF(L,2),0);
HH2:= value when(hh 1 & gt; 0,hh 1);
LL2:= value when(ll 1 & gt; 0,ll 1);
k 1:= IF(CLOSE & gt; HH2,-3,IF(CLOSE & lt; LL2, 1,0));
k2:= value when(k 1 & lt; & gt0,k 1);
K2= 1,SPK;
"Copper Coin" model source code:
[N 1,4.000000,4.000000,4.000000]
[Nitrogen, 8.000000, 8.000000, 8.000000]
[N3, 14.000000, 16.000000, 14.000000]
[N4, 19.000000,22.000000,20.000000]
M5:=EMA2 (high, 4);
M 10:=EMA2 (high, 8);
M 15:=EMA2 (high,14);
M20:=EMA2 (high, 20);
ZYZS:= IF((M5 & gt; M 15),M5,m 15);
DIFF:=EMA (high, 14)-EMA (high,19);
a:= 2 *(DIFF-DEA);
ML5:=EMA2 (low, n1);
ML 10:=EMA2 (low, N2);
ML 15:=EMA2 (low,14);
ML20:=EMA2 (low, 20);
ZL:= IF((ML5 & gt; ML 15)、ML5、ml 15);
DL:=EMA (low, 14)-EMA (low,19);
Deal: =EMA(DL,10);
AL:= 2 *(DL-DEAL);
Time & gt0929 & amp& amp time & lt 1440. & ampM5 & gt; m 10 & amp; & Gao>M 20&>0 & AMPZZS = M5, Bk;
Time & gt0929 & amp& amp time & lt 1440. & ampML5 & ltML 10。 & low & ltml20 & al<0 & ZL< & gtml5, sk;
Time & gt 0909 & al<0 & ampml10 <; ML20,SP;
Time & gt 0909 & amp & gt0& & amp10 > M20,BP;
"PP" model source code:
TB:=IF (high & gtREF (closing, 1), high -REF (closing, 1)+ closing-low, closing-low);
TS:=IF(REF(CLOSE, 1) > low, REF (close, 1)- low+high-close, high-close);
VOL 1:=(t b-TS)* VOL/(t b+TS)/ 10000;
VOL0:=DMA(VOL 1,0.07);
VOL2:=DMA(VOL 1,0.0 1);
Cross (short, MA 1), BPK;;
Cross (MA 1, short), SPK;;
Crack the gold-robbing long and short version
S:=CROSS (closing, EMA2 (high, 30));
X:=CROSS(EMA2 (low, 30), close);
WS:= bars last(S)+ 1;
WX:= bars last(X)+ 1;
Adhesion line (closed & gtEMA2 (high, 30), EMA2 (high, 30), EMA2 (low, 30), COLORMAGENTA,1);
Adhesion line (off & ltEMA2 (low, 30), EMA2 (low, 30), EMA2 (high, 30), COLORBLUE,1);
Adhesion line (closed & gtEMA2 (high, 150), EMA2 (high, 150), EMA2 (low, 150), colorlit,1);
Adhesion line (closed & ltEMA2 (low, 150), EMA2 (low, 150), EMA2 (high, 150), COLORLIGHTGREEN,1);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; EMA2 (height, 30), EMA2 (height, 30), Color Magenta);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & lt; EMA2 (height, 30), EMA2 (height, 30), color blue);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; EMA2 (low, 30), EMA2 (low, 30), Color Magenta);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & lt; EMA2 (low, 30), EMA2 (low, 30), color blue);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; EMA2 (high, 150), EMA2 (high, 150), colored);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & lt; EMA2 (high, 150), EMA2 (high, 150), color light green);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & gt; EMA2 (low, 150), EMA2 (low, 150), colored);
PARTLINE(CLOSE & lt; EMA2 (low, 150), EMA2 (low, 150), color light green);
Glue line (OPEN & gt=CLOSE, CLOSE, open, COLORRED, 0);
Adhesion line (CLOSE & gt=OPEN, close, OPEN, COLORCYAN, 0);