SC 1:=SUMBARS(SC, 1); {The number of days since I last wore DIFF in DEA}
JC 1:=SUMBARS(JC, 1); {Days since I last wore DEA on DIFF}
JC2:=SUMBARS(JC,2); {DIFF2 times, the number of days from the previous time to the present in DEA}
a 1 1:=(MACD = LLV(MACD,sc 1));
a 12:= BACKSET(a 1 1,sc 1); {Backset (A 1 1, SC 1) Here is a future function, and the lowest point of MACD in the near future is set to 1}.
A 13:(REF(A 12, 1) and (a12 = 0));
A 14:SUMBARS(A 13, 1);