The credit report for a loan to buy a house is generally based on two years, but the credit report will record information within five years. Therefore, if there is a stain on the credit report within five years, it may still affect the loan. Apply. Before applying for a loan to buy a house, you should pay attention to improving your credit score so that you can better apply for a loan.
Loan credit requirements
Different banks have different credit requirements for customers.
1. Agricultural Bank of China Bank
The regulations of Agricultural Bank of China Bank require that borrowers must have "a good loan credit record and no outstanding loan principal and interest" before they can be granted loans. .
2. ICBC Bank
The current number of overdue periods for personal consumption loans from ICBC in the last 24 months must be greater than or equal to 6 months, and the current number of overdue periods for personal housing loans within the last 24 months must be The number of overdue periods is greater than or equal to 12 months.
3. Bank of China Bank
Bank of China stipulates that the credit record of the credit card must have two overdrafts that exceed the interest-free period for one month or one period that exceeds the interest-free period in the past three months. , the card will be refused approval if it is overdrafted for two months or if the quasi-credit card is overdrafted for three months beyond the interest-free period.
4. China Construction Bank
CCB stipulates that if a customer defaults on the principal or interest of the loan for more than 90 days in one-time repayment when due, the principal or interest of the loan in installments will be in arrears for three consecutive futures. For more than 6 periods in total, the customer's current baggage in the People's Bank of China personal credit system or in China Construction Bank and interbank accounts (including housing loans, automobile consumption loans, personal consumption loans, credit cards, etc.) is overdue, or has occurred once in the last 12 months. Bad records that are overdue for more than 90 days.
What to look for in a credit report
1. Basic personal information. Including name, ID card, full name, application date, issuance date, marital status, etc.
2. Credit records, mainly loan records applied by individuals to bank financial institutions, including credit cards, mortgages, operating loans, and assistance A series of loan records such as student loans. Including a series of information such as settled and unsettled,
3. Public information, including personal information and situations such as communications, water, electricity, gas, tax payment, etc. that have been applied for by individuals, as well as Including personal court information, such as whether the person is included in the list of dishonest persons subject to execution.
4. Objection record. This part contains the meaning of the inquiry that the inquirer has applied to the banking institution when he has objections to the personal credit report. It can be reflected in this part by adding a statement, but the author has not applied. There was no objection, so there is no relevant record.
5. Query records, which contain records of personal queries and relevant information of institutional queries. Generally, banks will have this record when approving credit cards.