Commission ratio: refers to the index used to measure the relative strength of trading orders in a period of time. The proportion of consignment is declared according to a certain market price, which is divided into entrusted buyer and entrusted seller. The proportion of entrustment is the proportion of entrusted buyers and sellers. It can be seen that there are more buyers or sellers entrusted through the entrustment ratio, and the same is true for futures and stocks.
The calculation formula is: commission ratio = [(number of entrusted buyers-number of entrusted sellers) ÷ (number of entrusted buyers+number of entrusted sellers)] × 100%.
Floor area ratio: it is an index to measure the relative turnover rate. It is the ratio of the average turnover per minute after the opening of the market to the average turnover per minute in the past five trading days.
The calculation formula is: turnover ratio = total current turnover/[(average turnover per minute in recent five trading days) × cumulative opening time of the day (minutes)]