Old Law-
(1) The cumulative transaction volume of securities transactions exceeds 500,000 yuan;
(2) The cumulative amount of margin occupied by futures transactions exceeds three More than 100,000 yuan;
(3) The cumulative amount of profits or losses avoided exceeds 150,000 yuan;
(4) Multiple use of unknown information other than inside information Disclosure of information for trading activities;
(5) Other serious circumstances.
New Law-
(1) The amount of profit or loss avoided is more than 1 million yuan;
(2) Undisclosed use more than three times within two years Information trading;
(3) Explicitly or implicitly indicating or implying that more than three people are engaged in relevant trading activities;
(4) Other serious circumstances. Using undisclosed information to trade, the amount of profits or losses avoided is more than 500,000 yuan, or the transaction volume of securities transactions is more than 5 million yuan, or the amount of margin occupied by futures trading is more than 1 million yuan, and at the same time, one of the following circumstances is suspected A case should be filed for prosecution: (1) Expressly or implicitly indicating that others are engaged in relevant trading activities by selling or selling undisclosed information in disguised form; (2) Being criminally prosecuted for securities or futures crimes;
(3) Received administrative punishment for illegal securities or futures activities within two years;
(4) Caused other serious consequences.