MSCI index, when considering the composition of the index, MSCI will include the most representative companies in various industries based on the market value of tradable shares. China * * * has 7 1 companies as members of MSCI China Index. Morgan Stanley Capital International Index (MSCI) is the most widely used index by portfolio managers around the world as an investment benchmark. At present, more than 2,000 international institutional investors use the MSCI index as a benchmark. In addition, these indexes also derive investment tools that ordinary investors can participate in trading, such as MSCI index futures and ETF.
Although the MSCI index is not widely recognized by the press like the Dow Jones stock price index, it is one of the most widely used benchmark indexes by international investors, and about $3 trillion in the world is based on the MSCI index. MSCI index covers 23 developed markets and 27 emerging markets, and has compiled national index, value index and growth index, small market value index and expansion index, and China index series for different countries.