In the technical analysis of stocks, some investors enter the ocean of analysis of technical indicators and use various technical indicators. They are always willing to find unusual indicators and so-called optimization parameters. The principle of technical indicators can not be separated from stock price and turnover. They used the most commonly used ones, mastered the practicality, but avoided their shortcomings. Most indicators are displayed through the Edit Access New Indicators tool.
Software functions:
1, which integrates the market conditions of Shanghai and Shenzhen, Hong Kong stocks, US stocks, futures, options, funds, macro and foreign exchange, and is suitable for all investors.
2. Innovatively combine the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen, and launch special functions such as DDE decision-making, individual stock capital flow, theme events, consensus expectation, shareholding change, and dragon and tiger list.
3. Provide market quotes of Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and US stocks, and support self-selection, ranking, sectors and various technical indicators.
4. Summarize the global market through commodity futures, foreign exchange rate and global index.